Islam makes people INSANE!!!!
Good Job to the Police Officer who destroyed this inbred SUBHUMAN!!!!!
I discovered another article giving background on this LUNATIC. The disturbing part of this is she looks like a "normal" human being,, but she is really a FREAKING HUMAN TIME BOMB!!!
And when "sudden JIHAD SYNDROME" starts off in these people,, the KUFFAR around them usually all die. Dear Infidel,, do you want to live with these obviously insane "human beings"?????????????
Check out this link,,,,,
I am so glad this lunatic didn't hurt anyone,, esp our MIGHTY ATLAS!!!!
Jameela Barnette threatened Rep. Peter King and New York State Senator Greg Ball. And that's not all. She threatened me also, and left threatening comments on my Facebook page, as well as the SIOA Facebook page. I deleted hundreds of amazingly vicious and hateful comments from her here at Atlas and on the Facebook pages, always in the name of Allah. Here is one that remains -- all of them were like that. An excerpt of her vileness:
The Torah and New Testament are forgeries, as they make gods of the jew’s, while making virtual slaves of the Children of Adam {non-jews}. It is time christian’s recognize the New Testament for what it is: an instruction manual; “How to Serve and Worship Your Hostile Jinn aka Jew Masters for Dummies”. Yes, Allah “Chose” the jew’s, He “Chose” the species consisting of monkeys, swine, devils and jinn; to return back to the Hell-fire from which they were created. The christian’s diabolical worship of a partially-eaten, jew corpse and their worshipping and serving clinically-insane, barn and zoo animals in the life of this world; mandates they receive the harshest punishment in the Hell-fire.
ALLAH is the greatest, ALLAH is ALIVE, but the christian’s god is only a partially eaten, jew corpse. ALLAHU AKBAR you rabid, jew-eating, racist, christian, cannibals of extremely low intelligence. I will be sure to tell your hostile jinn aka jew masters what loyal and obedient slaves you Christians are. Enjoy your brief and evil life of fairy tales and hokum your evil jew masters have created for you, because the Hell-fire is your final destination. Only Allah’s Warriors can put-down the rabid, corpse-eating, blood-drinking, christian savages and send them to their partially-eaten, jew corpse they call god.
Yet after all the threats she sent out, Jameela Barnette was still free to go jihad. After this devout Muslim threatened Ball, she was arrested, but was released without bail. Nothing was done to stop her. When she finally did choose to go jihad, she attacked a police officer, and so she was mercifully killed before she could take out G-d only knows how many. She could have chosen to do any number of other ways to mount a jihad attack: she could have gone to on Christmas morning. She could have gone to a church, a shopping mall, or any place where the kuffar gather, and dozens or even hundreds of people could be dead today.
Instead, only she is dead. That's the best of all possible outcomes. But this should be an object lesson for clueless and compromised law enforcement: take Muslim threats seriously. Before more infidels get killed.
Woman killed amid attack on police officer MDJOnline (hat tip Laura)
Using a knife and a handgun, Jameela Cecila Barnette, 53, assaulted an officer from the department’s Precinct 3 who had knocked on her apartment door after responding to an alarm, Cobb Police spokesman Sgt. Dana Pierce said. Despite receiving injuries to his arm, Piercesaid the officer, who is not being identified at this time, fired his service weapon to stop the assault.
The officer was treated and released at the scene, the Bexley apartment complex, 318 Penny Lane S.E. in Marietta, Pierce said. The officer has been placed on administrative leave.
The Precinct 3 uniformed officers were dispatched to the complex after an alarm came from the apartment just after 11 a.m. Sunday,Pierce said. They were notified that a second alarm, a more serious “panic” alarm, came in as they were arriving at the scene.
Pierce said Barnette was the only person in the apartment, but the incident did not appear to be a “suicide by cop.”
“You do see that, I guess,” he said. “From what I’ve been told, I don’t think that is the case here.”
In April, the website reported that Barnette, a Muslim, sent a bloody pig’s foot with an anti-Semitic letter to U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-New York). The package was reportedly sent in response to hearings that King held in March on the “radicalization” of American Muslims.
Barnette was also accused of sending a Curious George stuffed animal to New York state Sen. Greg Ball, a Republican who hosted King at a hearing. Politico reported that the doll had two Stars of David taped to it with a note saying “Final Destination: Auschwitz.”
“I knew the Jews were behind the hearings. A monkey is a representation of who the Jews are,” she was quoted as saying.
This Muslim sent me dozens and dozens of emails, each one astounding in its ugliness. I have pasted one in here, below the fold because it is so disgusting that you should only proceed at your own risk. I take no joy in publishing this, but do so so that you can see what this Muslim was sending out as the "defender of Islam."
This Muslim also sent me this email:
Revenge 4 the martyr, sheikh osama bin laden. Put clothes on this filthy, fuckin, cocksuckin jew. Jameela moa & doi
This message was sent from a t-mobile wireless phone.
["moa & doi" = Messenger of Allah and Defender of Islam]
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