Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10-02-12: Is this a bribe? Administration offers to pay - at taxpayer expense - legal costs for defense companies if they will delay layoffs.

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

CNN world

·  MEDIA WATCH: CNN hits hard on Libya: The only conclusion is that the White House tried to cover something up


·  MEDIA WATCH: Glenn Beck Blasts U.S. Media Over Fast and Furious: ‘Media Has Utterly Failed'

pat caddell

·  MEDIA WATCH: Was There A Libya Cover-Up? - Pat Caddell with Bill O'Reilly


·  Freed militant connected to Libya attack - was let go during Arab Spring


·  Watch Team of Navy SEALs in Action as They Search for Taliban Leaders & Weapons in Afghanistan

gellar _ pamela _ subway ad

·  Lib Pastor Jim Wallis Accuses Conservative of ‘Hatred' & Begs Her to ‘Stop Talking' During On-Air Clash Over Anti-Jihad Subway Ad


·  Why is the US military seeing huge drops in absentee ballot requests


·  Fed Up: Top Gen. Allen ‘Mad as Hell' About ‘Insider' Attacks in Afghanistan


In Case You Missed It

·  Krauthammer to Fellow PBS "Inside Washington" Panelists: I Can't Believe You Guys Are Covering For Obama on This Libya Disaster

·  CNN Hammers Obama Administration for 'Downplaying' Libya Terrorist Attack

·  Sen. McCain said the Obama administration's reaction to the Libya attacks show "willful ignorance or abysmal intelligence."

·  U.S. Congressman King: Susan Rice Should Resign For Misleading On Libya

·  Kirsten Powers: The mainstream media is ignoring the Obama administration's shifting explanations for the U.S. Consulate attack in Libya-and the very real terror threat it implies

·  Univision exposes Mexican massacre by the Cartel using guns from Fast and Furious

·  Landmark Calif. Burger Joint Forced to Shut Down Over ADA Lawsuit

·  Pat Buchanan : Benghazi ‘cover-up' indicative of Obama foreign policy ‘collapsing right under him'

·  New reports that WH knew Libya attack was terrorism early on

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

breaking news light

White House offers to pay - at taxpayer expense - legal costs for defense contractors as incentive for them delaying layoffs in advance of looming gov't cuts

Under federal law, many employers are supposed to give 60-day notice of "mass layoffs" if they are considered likely, but the Obama administration for months now has urged companies not to do so.

Muslim Brotherhood to Ryan Mauro: We Support Violence against ‘Aggressors and Invaders'

The Brotherhood said that it supports jihad against "aggressors and invaders of our lands." What exactly entails an aggressor and invader?

WH Aide Involved in Fast and Furious Was 'Suddenly' Transferred to Iraq; Issa Threatens Subpoena

A member of the WH National Security Staff who regularly communicated about Operation Fast and Furious with the ATF agent responsible for running the operation that allowed guns to flow to Mexican drug cartels, was suddenly transferred out of the White House and into Iraq...

The Obamagas Rip-Off

Chet Nagle
In the interests of national security the Navy should drop biofuels and instead ask the White House and Congress to approve development of America's abundant and untapped oil resources.

What Orwell Can Tell Us about the Liberal Appeasement of Islam

We are encouraged to attack our own government, though not the liberal wings of it, but it is still a safer thing to do, so long as the prestige of Islam is not involved.

'This Has The Added Benefit of Being True!'

If enough people say that something is 'absolutely true', well, after awhile, enough people come to believe it so that it is 'perceived to be true' whether it actually is or not.

Morsi's Election Can't Erase Radical Record

The man being showered with attention as a respectable international leader may rank shy only of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when it comes to anti-Semitism and bluster against the state of Israel.

I'm Tired

After 31 years of speaking out, I have truly reached the point where I am tired. How much must happen and how many Americans must die every day, week after week, month in and month out, year after year before people realize that that the West is not the issue?

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