Wednesday, October 3, 2012

10-03-12: Congressman Issa Does the Work Reporters Won’t Do (Plus: H. Cain, N. Pelosi, and R. Reagan)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  "The Daily Show" on the White House's Libya cover-up


·  Herman Cain Teaching America-Bashing College Hecklers a Lesson in American Exceptionalism

fighter jets usa

·  Viper Pilot is an Air Force legend's thrilling eyewitness account of modern air warfare


·  Are troops in the field getting their voting ballots? Colonel North reports from Afghanistan

chicago teacher strike

·  Obama's Secretary of Education: "Everybody won" in Chicago teacher strike

clint eastwood_chair_2012_LARGE

·  David Letterman inquires about Eastwood's much-ridiculed (by the media) monologue with an imaginary President Obama - Watch to learn one actor's response


·  President Ronald Reagan makes a witty response to a question about his age.

Nancy Pelosi

·  Nancy Pelosi Suggests Republicans May Be to Blame for Lack of Security at U.S. Consulate in Libya

behead those who insult islam

·  Islamists Offer $200k Reward for Severed Head of Filmmaker


·  MEDIA WATCH: Jim Lehrer 30 Years of Presidential Debates Liberal Bias


In Case You Missed It

CNN world

·  MEDIA WATCH: CNN hits hard on Libya: The only conclusion is that the White House tried to cover something up


·  MEDIA WATCH: Glenn Beck Blasts U.S. Media Over Fast and Furious: ‘Media Has Utterly Failed'

pat caddell

·  MEDIA WATCH: Was There A Libya Cover-Up? - Pat Caddell with Bill O'Reilly


·  Freed militant connected to Libya attack - was let go during Arab Spring


paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Darrell Issa Does the Work American Reporters Won't Do

Today Issa wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, outlining information his committee has received and announcing his intention to hold hearings on what happened in Benghazi

‘Innocence' Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?

Why did the U.S. insist for weeks that the recent Middle East attacks were the result of this film when they knew better?

Intel an Easy Scapegoat

The last thing the White House wanted to tell us in the heat of a tight presidential campaign was that al-Qaida terrorists had just attacked sovereign American territory on the 11th anniversary of 9/11.

U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bombed Twice in Run-Up to 9/11 Anniversary

Jihadists twice set off explosives at the consulate prior to the incident that killed Ambassador Stevens, and announced threats on Facebook about escalating attacks on Western targets in the run-up to the 9/11 anniversary, according to whistleblowers.

An Investment Strategy for the Future

Why such poor growth and job creation? Why after four years and $14 trillion in new government spending has the nation's GDP remained at below the level four years ago and revenue to the government stagnant, with deficits still exceeding $1 trillion a year?

Geller Agonistes - Truth in Advertising about the Jihad Against Israel

All of us who cherish Western free speech, particularly when it elucidates irrefragable truths, owe an enormous debt to journalist and author, Pamela Geller.

Criminalizing the Defamation of Islam

Islamic heads of government such as Morsi of Egypt, Karzai of Afghanistan, and Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran are raising a hue and a cry about how Islam has been defamed in the West.

Savage Is as Savage Does

When this poster went up last week, it was attacked, physically, by a small group of "activists." One of them was Mona Eltahawy, a well-known MSNBC and CNN commentator.

Green Berets to Converge on South Carolina in 2014

Recognized by their distinctive green berets, the elite Special Forces are the U.S. Army's experts in unconventional warfare.

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