Thursday, October 4, 2012

10-04-12: Obama says he would have tried bin Laden in US federal court (PLUS: Dick Cheney)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

cheney_dick 09

·  Cheney: Looks like Obama tried to cover up the terror attack on Benghazi consulate


·  Finish high school in two years? Plan could save taxpayers money


·  ALARMING! Washington's Dilemma - Soaring debt and a budget Congress can't balance. This VIDEO explains WHY. Every person in AMERICA should watch this video!


·  Three Days After Denouncing Child Soldier 'Slavery', Obama Waived Sanctions on Countries That Use Them; When Will Media Report?

al gore forehead smack

·  Presidential Debate Memories: Al Gore Creeps on George W. Bush


·  Who is the man behind the terrorist attack in Libya that killed four Americans?


·  FBI offering $50G reward for Massachusetts man wanted for supporting Al Qaeda


·  SATIRE: NewsBusted 9/28/12

In Case You Missed It

·  "The Daily Show" on the White House's Libya cover-up

·  Herman Cain Teaching America-Bashing College Hecklers a Lesson in American Exceptionalism

·  Viper Pilot is an Air Force legend's thrilling eyewitness account of modern air warfare

·  Are troops in the field getting their voting ballots? Colonel North reports from Afghanistan

·  Obama's Secretary of Education: "Everybody won" in Chicago teacher strike

·  David Letterman inquires about Eastwood's much-ridiculed (by the media) monologue with an imaginary President Obama - Watch to learn one actor's response

·  President Ronald Reagan makes a witty response to a question about his age.

·  Nancy Pelosi Suggests Republicans May Be to Blame for Lack of Security at U.S. Consulate in Libya

·  Islamists Offer $200k Reward for Severed Head of Filmmaker

·  MEDIA WATCH: Jim Lehrer 30 Years of Presidential Debates Liberal Bias


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What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Why Was Obama‘s Audio Book Version of 'Dreams From My Father' Purged of All References to Communist Mentor?

"Frank," as he is referred to in Obama's memoir "Dreams From My Father," is mentioned multiple times in the print edition of the president's book, however, all references to "Frank" were purged from the volume's abridged audio version.

A World Without Mohammad and Islam

Of course, it would be instructive, if not entertaining, to imagine what the world would have been like had not Karl Marx, or Thomas Jefferson, or Immanuel Kant, or Martin Luther ever existed, or none of the other prominent thinkers and movers.

Obama Lied after People Died

‘the early information was enough to show that the attack was planned and the work of al Qaeda affiliates operating in Eastern Libya.' ‘There was very good information on this in the first 24 hours...'

Obama says he would have tried bin Laden in US federal court

breaking news light
Had the Navy SEALs captured Osama bin Laden, the United States would have tried him in federal court, President Obama said in an interview published by Vanity Fair.

9/11 Families Say Obama Set to Bring Gitmo to U.S. Soil

Recent news that the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was led by a former Guantanamo detainee has underscored the dangerous profile of current detainees.

California Democrats Embrace Criminals and Illegal Aliens

Jerry, "Moonbeam" Brown signed SB9, allowing for the possibility of parole for 309 murderers who were convicted as juveniles and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Three Weeks after the Terrorist Attack: Sensitive U.S. Documents Found by Reporter at Consulate in Libya

"In the event of an attack on the U.S. Mission," the document states, "QRF will request additional support from the 17th February Martyrs Brigade."

Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas Muslim Leader Is US Delegate to Warsaw Human Rights Conference

His most infamous statement was during a radio interview on September 11, 2001, accusing Israel of the attack on the WTC.

To Promote Freedom Abroad, Practice It Here

Can Obama stand with credibility before any Muslim nation and claim that he represents religious freedom?

New Jargon to Use and Why: A Swift Proposal

These new non-noise locutions are the words of post-modernism and political correctness, and they no longer distort, mislead and generally obfuscate the truth and the quest for victimhood in the world.

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