Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Sleep In Hitler's Room

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I Sleep in Hitler's Room

An American Jew Visits Germany

October 2, 2012

New Book Launch at the 3rd Annual
Free Thinking Film Festival 2012!

I Sleep in Hitler's Room:
An American Jew Visits Germany
I am proud to announce that Tuvia Tenenbom will be at our Festival to talk about his book, "I Sleep In Hitler's Room."  Tenenbom, a son of a Holocaust survivor, travels throughout Germany talking to a wide range of people, and finds that their crushing awareness of their dark history coexists with virulent anti-semitism and a stubborn obsession with Israel.

November 4, 2012, 5:00 PM
Library & Archives Canada
395 Wellington, Ottawa

Admission:  $12 or with Festival Pass.

"a stunner!"

"An alarming account of anti-Semitism in Germany."

"Tuvia Tenenbom comes off as a Jewish Hunter S Thompson, describing cringing encounters in Germany that strip away the veneer of sanity from his subjects . . . Every encounter with an interview subject is an experimental drama, redolent sometimes of Pinter or Beckett, more often of Brecht or the Marx Brothers . . . To understand Germans, one has to learn their language and live with them - or read Tenenbom's book."
     Asia Times

"Hugely entertaining -- terribly funny, sarcastic, powerful . . . A tremendous book."
     National Review

"It's a book in a category all its own--deeply sobering, depressing even, in its observations of the darker side of Germany, yet at the same time so chatty and engaging and laugh-out-loud funny that it's hard to put down. Tenenbom is an acute observer of his fellowman, but also a born entertainer, a comedian, who approaches his interview subjects--of whom there are dozens, ranging from leading political and cultural figures to folks he runs into on the street--as a combination inquisitor and tummler . . . A stunning account . . . Tenenbom is brilliant." -
     PJ Media

3rd Annual Free Thinking Film Festival!!!

We've got an amazing Festival this year!

The Festival will feature four major events:  On November 1st, the Festival will open with "Losing Our Sons", a poignant tale of two fathers who have lost their sons - one through terrorism, and one through indoctrination.  On November 2nd, the Festival features the Canadian premiere of "Death by China", a film about the increasingly destructive economic trade practices of a rapidly rising China with author Greg Autry in attendance.  On Saturday, November 3rd, Producer Michael King will be on hand to introduce the film, "The Rescuers" about diplomats who saved Jews during the Holocaust, and the Festival will end with a tribute to Raoul Wallenberg - a celebration of his 100th birthday in association with B'nai Brith Canada.

Other films include "The Invisible Men," about the plight of gay Palestinians; "Windfall," about the pitfalls of wind power; "Freedom's Fury," a look at the "blood in the water" water polo match between the Soviet Union and Hungary at the Olympics in 1956; "Their Eyes Were Dry," a film about the massacre of teenagers in Ma'alot in Israel by Palestinian terrorists in 1974; "Occupy Unmasked," a hard look at the Occupy movement; "21 Brothers," a Canadian film about World War I; "The Red Chapel," a comedy that exposes North Korea's totalitarian system; "Putin's Kiss", a documentary on the brutality of the Putin regime; "Winston Churchill:  Walking With Destiny," examines why Winston Churchill's legacy continues to be relevant in the 21st Century; "Why Is It Hate?," Martin Gladstone's film on why Queers Against Israeli Apartheid bring a message of hate to Toronto's Gay Pride; and many, many other films.

In addition, three authors will be in Ottawa to launch their books.  Bruce Bawer, the acclaimed American author, will read from his new book, "The Victims Revolution:  The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind;" Pierre Desrochers will present on two of his books:  "The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-mile Diet", and "The False Crises of Rachel Carson:  Silent Spring at 50", and Arpad Szoczi will present his book, "Timisoara - The Real Story Behind the Romanian Revolution."
Trailer - 3rd Annual Free Thinking Film Society 2012
Trailer - 3rd Annual Free Thinking Film Society 2012

The complete list of events can be seen at www.freethinkingfilmfest.ca

Festival passes are available for $75 and can be purchased either online or at the following retailers - Compact Music (785 Bank, 190 Bank), Collected Works (1242 Wellington), and Ottawa Festivals (47 William Street).  Day passes will also be available for sale.

Some Amazing Speakers Coming to Ottawa for the Festival!  
  • Martin Gladstone, Producer of "Why Is It Hate", a documentary about how Queers Against Israeli Apartheid bring a message of hate to Toronto Gay Pride.
  • Yariv Mozer, Director of "The Invisible Men", a documentary about the plight of gay Palestinians who have run away from their families and are hiding in Israel.  CANADIAN PREMIERE.
  • Greg Autry, Author of the book, "Death By China" will be here to talk about his new documentary of the same name.  CANADIAN PREMIERE.
  • Michael King, Producer of the film "The Rescuers" in which historian Martin Gilbert teams up with a survivor of the Rwandan genocide to interview diplomats who saved Jews during the Holocaust.
  • Pierre Desrochers, Professor at the University of Toronto, will be presenting on his two new books:  "The Locavore's Dilemma:  In Praise of the 10,000 mile Diet" and "Silent Spring at 60:  The False Crises of Rachel Carson".
  • Bruce Bawer, acclaimed American Author, will be in Ottawa to launch his new book:  "The Victim's Revolution:  The Rise of Identity Politics and the Closing of the Liberal Mind."
  • David Matas, attorney for the B'nai Brith and Human Rights Activist, will be presenting the latest research on the fate of diplomat Raoul Wallenberg - the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust in Hungary.
  • Clayton Garrett, Producer of 21 Brothers, a Canadian film about life in the trenches during WW1.  Shot in Kingston, Ontario.
  • Marc Lebuis, author of the website pointdebasculecanada.ca will be in Ottawa to present on the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada.
Macdonald-Laurier Institute
The Great Canadian Debates

Our friends at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute are holding some debates that you should probably attend:

The Great Canadian Debates, a series of four provocative debates exploring some of the most compelling issues to Canadians. Each debate will be presented at the Canadian War Museum and will feature well-known personalities and a moderator. Audience members are invited to get involved by posing questions during a Q&A session and voting for the winning argument. Following the debate, the evening also includes private access to the War Musem's special exhibit.

We'll have a table at their next debate which is on October 4th on the CBC.  Come visit us, please!

Free Mobile Applications!


Frederick Litwin
Free Thinking Film Society

Free Thinking Film Society | 39 Birch Avenue | Ottawa | Canada

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