Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shocking Jew-hatred at Northeastern University

Another from Atlas  the Infidel World needs to know about, do you want these people teaching YOUR KIDS???!!!!!

Shocking Jew-hatred at Northeastern University



Islamization of university education: Jew-hating Education at Northeastern University
"University tells Muslim services no longer needed" Michael Carl, WND

Dismisses chaplain over support for terrorists

Apparently, supporting terrorism isn’t approved on some university campuses these days.
In a startling development, Boston’s Northeastern University has dismissed jihad-preaching Muslim chaplain Abdullah Faaruuq after video surfaced of Faaruuq expressing support for terrorists.

Reports indicate that there were several instances where Faaruuq was captured on video voicing support for terrorist organizations.
The video also is online.

Islam analyst and Atlas Shrugs publisher Pamela Geller says it’s likely not a matter of Northeastern “getting it right.”
“Northeastern is definitely covering their backside. The university would never have cared about this if it hadn’t received negative attention,” Geller said.
Northeastern University has not responded to WND’s request for comment on the issue.
Geller adds that although Northeastern University has the most vocal Islamic student organization, the university’s action is for public relations purposes.
“They got caught. It is only because of the public pressure and negative publicity,” Geller said.

WND reported in June 2010 that even while Faaruuq preached jihad at the Islamic Society of Boston mosque, Gov. Deval Patrick appointed Faaruuq to teach a class on diversity to state employees.
At the time, after vowing to eliminate racial profiling and guaranteeing Muslims their civil rights, Patrick, a Democrat, hugged Faaruuq at the meeting with more than 1,000 Muslims at the Muslim American Society-affiliated mosque at Boston’s Roxbury Crossing.
In several talks around the Boston area, Faaruuq voiced support for the release of convicted al-Qaida supporter Aisha Siddiqui.
He’s also called for the release of Tarek Mehanna, the Boston-area Muslim convicted for attempting to acquire weapons to carry out terrorist attacks.
WND reported in October 2009 that Mehanna boasted of his terrorist connections.

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