Friday, May 24, 2013

Obama Claims “No Large-Scale Attacks on the United States” Month After Bombs Wound 264

no words to describe this,,,

Scotty??? PLEASE Beam ME Aboard!!!!!
get me the FUKK off this planet!!!!!

Obama Claims “No Large-Scale Attacks on the United States” Month After Bombs Wound 264

Not "Large Scale Enough"

Not “Large Scale Enough”

This was Obama’s big splashy speech on the War on Terror, which predictably called for dismantling the War on Terror. In a bizarre statement, a month after Muslim terrorists set off bombs at the Boston Marathon that wounded 264 people, he claimed that, “There have been no large-scale attacks on the United States, and our homeland is more secure.”

The Boston terrorists only killed 3 people, but injured 264. There were at least 16 amputations of limbs. Even those who didn’t lose limbs experienced horrific injuries.
When the two bombs exploded near the finish line on Monday, the blast and shrapnel shredded limbs, burned skin, ripped soft tissue, burst ear drums and caused rapid blood loss for those nearby.

In more heartbreaking details, surgeons have revealed seeing nails embedded in children’s torsos, head injuries and people with soot covering their mouths – posing the danger of suffocation.
Medical staff also described the small, uniform objects seen in wounds and X-rays – suggesting the crude explosive devices were crammed with ball bearings to inflict maximum damage.
Many had shards in their necks and chests.
Dr. George Velmahos, the head of trauma care at Massachusetts General Hospital, said on Tuesday that his team found items such as pellets and nails inside patients’ bodies.
‘They are numerous,’ he said. ‘There are people who have 10, 20, 30, 40 of them in their body.’
‘We found BBs inside of kids,’ added David Mooney from Boston Children’s Hospital. ‘We found nails that looked almost like carpet tacks, maybe a centimeter long that were sticking out of a kid’s body.’
This is probably not a big deal to Obama and his cronies, but it’s large scale to most Americans. It’s not another September 11, but it’s probably one of the most devastating Muslim terrorist attacks on United States.

The original World Trade Center bombing resulted in six deaths and fifteen traumatic injuries. The Boston bombings are in a class with that.

President Clinton did not bother to come down during that bombing. His refusal to pay attention to the seriousness of the terrorist threat made September 11 possible.

And Obama is following in his footsteps. Obama’s refusal to take Muslim terrorism seriously led to the Boston bombings. And his response to that is to once again refuse to take Muslim terrorism seriously.

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