Friday, May 24, 2013

Picture of the Week

When do we stop pretending that Islam is just another religion?

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace"Mohammed is God's apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
 to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
  Quran 48:29

2013.05.23 (Quetta, Pakistan) - The Tehreek-i-Taliban "proudly claim" a brutal bombing that leaves over a dozen dead.
2013.05.23 (Agadez, Niger) - Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.
2013.05.22 (Moqur, Afghanistan) - A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.
2013.05.22 (London, UK) - An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.
2013.05.21 (Kirkuk, Iraq) - Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking out at least five.
2013.05.21 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.
* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.

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