Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Monster has Escaped the Laboratory

The Monster has Escaped the Laboratory

Satan has been unleashed in the world.

Or, if you are an atheist or secular and uncomfortable with theological imagery: Dr. Frankenstein’s monster has escaped the laboratory and is rampaging across the landscape.

The most recent atrocities committed by the Islamic State — notably, the beheading of an American journalist by an ISIS mujahid on video, as a warning to President Obama (see Fox News, CNN, and the Mail Online) — demonstrate that something unprecedented is at work in the Middle East. Not since the defeat of the Ottoman army in 1683 has barbarity of this magnitude gone unchecked in the region.

Actually, you’d have to go back farther than 1683, or even 1453, to find comparable events. During its entire suzerainty over Mesopotamia, the Ottoman Empire did not engage in the systematic demolition of Shiite mosques. But that is exactly what ISIS is doing, even as it massacres and enslaves Christians and Yezidis.
This is a moment of enormous historical import. The proclamation of a Caliphate by the Islamic State has electrified Islamic zealots all over the world, which is why the black flag of jihad is appearing now in so many places. ISIS is saying to the Ummah: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” And getting an enthusiastic response, based on all the demonstrators who have taken to the “Muslim street”.

The process that has now reached its maturity in Syria and Iraq began in earnest more than three years ago, when a Tunisian street vendor immolated himself and initiated what eventually became known as the “Arab Spring”. It became obvious fairly quickly that this was a moment that both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Western intelligence services had been waiting for. Assets that had been kept ready were set into motion, and long-standing plans were systematically implemented in the months that followed.

Much of the analysis below is pure speculation, but it is based on factual material. It is an attempt to fit the known facts into a plausible general framework that would help explain them. I don’t have the time (nor will my eyes hold up long enough) to find links to all the relevant material; readers are advised to hit the search engines to find corroborating material.
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For several years I’ve been assuming that the Central Intelligence Agency — along with various other parts of the Executive Branch of the American government — has been thoroughly co-opted by agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. The heart of Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen is in Qatar, and not Egypt, as many people believe. The analysis below refers to “CIA/Qatar” when describing this convergent nexus of the American intelligence establishment and MB notables in Qatar and elsewhere.

Back in the fall of 2012 I devised a theory about what happened in Benghazi on September 11 of that year, based on reading various sources — not all of them totally paranoid. Since then, everything I put together in those days has been borne out by later revelations. I’ve posted about this before, but here is a general outline of what I consider the likely process behind what happened that night:

1.   The Innocence of Muslims was produced by a man who had turned state’s evidence for the Feds, in return for a sentence of probation for his fraud conviction.    
2.   He was ordered to make that video (and probably supplied with the money for it) and told to make it look like Jews were involved. He had no idea he was to be exposed and locked up after his video had served its purpose.
3.   The CIA/Qatar team arranged to subtitle the video in Arabic and release it in the Egyptian media just before September 11, 2012.
4.   When the demo in Cairo started, it was originally on behalf of the Blind Sheikh. It later morphed into an attack on the embassy in outrage over the blasphemous video.
5.   The attack on the consulate in Benghazi was also supposed to be blamed on the video. The Al Qaeda groups that had been paid off to do it were supposed to kidnap Ambassador Stevens. The plan was that after tough negotiations, he would later be released in exchange for the Blind Sheikh, who would return to Egypt in triumph. This was all designed to satisfy the Muslim Brotherhood and the Jihad Masters in Qatar.
6.   The Al Qaeda groups in Benghazi had been recruited to collect the various weapons that we had supplied them to take down Qaddafi with. They were paid to turn them over to the CIA so that they could be shipped to Syria, where we were planning a scenario like the one that had just finished up in Libya.
7.   However, the whole thing went to pieces, because Iranian intelligence had infiltrated the Al Qaeda groups (they have infiltrated everything in that part of the world, with the help of the Russians) and had outbid the CIA. They contracted with the jihadis to kill the ambassador, and thus throw a monkey wrench into US plans against Syria, which is an Iranian client state.
The rest is familiar to most readers.

This account may or may not be true, but it does fit Occam’s Razor — it is the simplest explanation available that uses what we know to be true about the U.S. government and the players in the region. The only assumption I have had to make is that the Muslim Brotherhood has totally compromised decision-making in the administration and at the CIA. And that seems more and more of a fact these days, and less and less an assumption.

The cover-up (which began immediately early on September 12, 2012) was simply the reflex reaction you’d expect to hide what agents of our government had been up to vis-à-vis Syria.

In the past three years I have held as a working assumption a similar theory about ISIS, which I also believe to be a CIA/Qatar production. Maybe not in its current form, but as one player in the array of jihad groups that were lumped together as the “Syrian rebels”.

ISIS began as a group called “Al Qaeda in Iraq”, and was headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi until he was shuffled off this mortal coil by the U.S. Air Force in 2006. It was eventually rebranded as “The Islamic State in Iraq”, and became “The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (or al-Shaams) (ISIS)”, also translated as “The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)”. It is now headed by Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi, (a.k.a. Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai, Abu Bakr Al- Baghdadi Al-Husseini Al-Quraishi, and Amir al-Mu’minin Khalifa Ibrahim).
ISIS never received any US aid directly, since it was an Al Qaeda spinoff. As in Libya, official assistance could only be extended to groups that could somehow be shoehorned into the “freedom fighter” mold. Everything else had to be on the Q.T.

But money is fungible, and weapons can be traded, sold, or captured. In the three years since the uprisings in Syria began, ISIS has managed to acquire a lot of assets and some sophisticated weaponry. Was that part of the plan? Or an unintended consequence?

In any case, why did the brilliant strategists in the Pentagon and the CIA consider it a good idea to fund and arm Wahhabist jihad groups in the Middle East?

I’m convinced that the original idea was to build up a proxy army that would attack Iran, which the United States was unwilling (or unable) to confront directly. The first order of business was to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad, an Iranian client. After that we could assist the “rebel” groups in a push eastward, through Iraq, and let them cross the border into Iran.

It sounds like a great plan! What could possibly go wrong?

On the Qatar front, the Ikhwan has been piggybacking on our strategic plan to carry out its own agenda, which is to overthrow all the Sunni dictators in the region and replace them with Salafists. Tunisia and Egypt were failures, but Syria and Iraq are still up for grabs. ISIS has its sights set on Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and presumably Kuwait. They’re also threatening Turkey. India and al-Andalus have been mentioned as legitimate goals for the Caliphate.

I believe that we have unleashed a monster that we cannot control. What is happening in northern Iraq right now cannot serve the strategic goals of the United States — not even the twisted version that seems to hold sway at State and in the CIA these days.

This is, after all, an information war, and the United States is losing it. ISIS has masterfully played the media, and especially the social media, so that the Islamic faithful have been roused to support it, and its kuffar enemies are in disarray. Whatever happens as a result of the beheading of James Foley, you can bet that it won’t fit into any brainy plan hatched in Langley.

If one assumes that the CIA has been subverted by the Ikhwan, all the other pieces fall into place.
Nevertheless, I’m not so far gone that I don’t recognize that this is a paranoid theory. So I’m still gathering data, watching to see how well it all fits into the pattern. The next few months should prove very informative.

The game-changer is Ebola, which will probably arrive in Mecca in October along with the Hajj, to be dispersed thence all over the world. After that, all bets are off.

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