We have been on the story about Earls Restaurants decision to abandon Canadian farmers from the very beginning. The Canadian chain, founded right here in Alberta, decided to source its beef needs in Kansas from a place called Creekstone Farms because the company says it wants to use something called certified humane beef.
Certified humane beef doesn’t mean anything in reality except a poorer farmer. It doesn’t mean that animals will be treated any better than they already are by the best farmers on the planet, Canadian farmers. It doesn’t mean that animals are any safer to eat. Canadian meat is the safest meat to eat in the world. Certified humane is just a trademark that farmers pay ridiculous fees to an American company called Humane Farm Animal Care for the rights to use.
That’s it. That’s all.
You can watch my videos explaining the whole problem with the made-up certified humane designation, and see Earls sad attempt to spin their way out of our boycott, at BoycottEarls.ca
But like many of you, I knew there was more to this story.
I saw all the blogs about the method of slaughter at this magical humane abattoir called Creekstone Farms. I knew there were blogs out there saying that Creekstone beef was all killed using Halal methods even if they aren't selling it as certified. I saw the story in Muslim Eater, a blog for Islamic foodies, saying that all Creekstone beef was Halal.
Let me explain.
Halal is the Islamic method of slaughtering animals. There are specific ways that this can happen for different kinds of animals but for the purposes of this story, I’ll only talk about beef. The killing can be done by any sane Muslim. An Islamic prayer is said over the animal and then the animal’s throat is slit, often by hand, from ear to ear and all the way back to the spinal column. Not through the spinal column.
Many people, including me, don't want to eat an animal that died this way.
I started investigating the information on these blogs for myself. Was this certified humane facility, Creekstone Farms, really completely Halal? Because Halal sure doesn't seem humane to me and having seen a Halal kill myself, I can say this utter with confidence. I wanted to know: is Creekstone entirely Halal even if they aren’t saying so?
So I did something other media in Canada seem unwilling to do; I chased the facts.
Watch my video to see what I found out about Creekstone beef. (WARNING: It is very graphic.)
Earls wants us to believe they care about humane treatment of animals. I do too. Earls says it cares about people knowing exactly what’s in the food we eat. I do too. That’s why they should be telling us the truth. The whole truth. My questions should have been answered with a phone call, not an investigation.
Don’t I have the right to know what’s in my food, too? Or is Earls reserving that right for the people they are so busy virtue signalling to?
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