Saturday, May 7, 2016

SHARIAH LAW: Its Barbaric & Filthy Back-Story. America’s Death Kneel, The West In Toto, If Not Beaten Back. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

SHARIAH LAW: Its Barbaric & Filthy Back-Story. America’s Death Kneel, The West In Toto, If Not Beaten Back. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

DEPENDING upon ones circle of contacts, be they professional or personal, varying degrees of knowledge, or lack thereof, re Shariah Law becomes apparent.

IN the main, most non-Muslim westerners understand that it is “likely”…”somewhat”….incompatible with the west. Even fewer have a clue as to its Koranic basis and its lack of boundaries – literally. True, Islam’s “vague” mistreatment of women is in the forefront of any discussion, however, that too is often misunderstood, even romanticized, if you dare imagine. Lawrence of Arabia fever-like.

PAR for the course, countless westerners are lulled into believing that whatever “norms” are Shariah bound – and culturally endemic within the horrific world of Islam – are confined to its followers and borders, therefore, it is none of their business. Newsflash One: said delusional thinking is way off target. Deadly.

IN this regard, every single barbaric hudud punishment is applicable across the board, that is, wherever Shariah Law gains a foothold and stranglehold. You got that? In other words, its core underpinnings are endemic within the American-Muslim community and inside every other western sphere. Guaranteed, its blow back is only a matter of time, the Constitution be damned.

Image result for pics of sharia law will rule

MOST alarmingly, it is hardly as if Allah’s Muslim Terrorists are not upfront about their global designs, and with America as their top target.

AS reported on Oct. 23, 2014, the newly minted “most influential” American-Muslim came into this investigative journalist’s radar, a full 4 months before he was anointed TOP Islamic dog! For the record, his supporters were none too pleased with the spotlight at this site. Oh well.

This year’s issue of The Muslim 500 names Sheikh Hamza Yusuf as the most influential Muslim-American. He is often portrayed as a moderate, but he recently endorsed Sharia governance and heads an Islamist college in California with extremist faculty.

Yusuf is ranked as the 35th most influential Muslim in the world by the publication. He is described as the “leading Islamic authority” in America. He is the current president and a senior faculty member of Zaytuna College in California.continue reading….

IN tandem, if they can pull it off in tough as nails Texas, well, any state is up for grabs.


WHICH brings this discussion full circle to the aforementioned “back-story”, one that hits an absolute bulls-eye. In a nutshell, it targets a two-tier danger that awaits westerners, when in close proximity to Shariah. Moreover, those who, for whatever reason, find themselves in Islam’s cross hairs – expecting their own leaders to push back against Islam’s boot – will be sorely misled. Indeed, they are placing themselves in very grave straits. Stranded. Newsflash Two: their submissive western leaders will NOT stand up for them. Period.

MIND you, even though the following barbarism took place in 2008, its intrinsic value, lesson learned, stands as Exhibit Number One:

An Australian woman is suing a five-star UAE hotel after she was drugged and raped by co-workers – but ended up in jail for eight months for having sex outside marriage.
Alicia Gali, 29, had her drink spiked and was raped by four co-workers at the luxury Le Meridien Al Aqah Beach Resort in the United Arab Emirates in June 2008.

She is seeking compensation from her former employer for breaching its workplace duty of care after she reported the assault to authorities, only to be jailed for eight months on an adultery charge.
Ms Gali spent eight months in prison as it is illegal as having sex outside marriage in the UAE is illegal.

Australian embassy staff advised Ms Gali and her family not to go to the media during her time in custody, when she was locked in a cell with 30 other women.

She has since been pardoned and was released in March 2009. 

AND if westerners are wondering if the legal system in Australia is emblematic of the cowing and bowing to Islam, when Allah’s Muslim Terrorists strike within their own borders, well, the following cautionary lesson serves as Exhibit Number Two:

Bit by bit, Western nations are adopting Muslim legal standards on blasphemy and on the treatment of women.

The excuses are manifold. Racism, cultural differences, Islamophobia, relativism… but it all ends the same way, with Western writers, artists and thinkers being censored and Western women being subject to Taliban treatment.

This is how it began.
An Afghan refugee would drive from his home in Tullamarine to nightclubs in Frankston late at night searching for drunk, vulnerable young woman to prey on, a court was told today.
He would pick them up in his white 1988 Honda Civic and rape them.
The victim was sitting on the footpath behind the 21st Century Dance Club when Esmatullah Sharifi approached her and offered to give her a lift to the Bay Hotel.
She accepted but became anxious and confused when they had been driving for an hour and she saw a road sign saying Sorrento.
Sharifi then pulled over into a dark side street and raped her in the front passenger seat.
“She began to scream and cry out for help,” Ms Dalziel said.
“The accused put his left hand over her mouth and his right hand around her neck, restricting her breathing. He said to her, ‘I’ll take you home after it, I’ll give you back your phone as well’.
In the rapist’s defense, his lawyer argued that he wasn’t at all clear about this whole “Women are human beings” thing.
Mr Regan said Esmatullah Sharifi was uneducated, illiterate, inexperienced in forming relationships with women, and was confused about the nature of consent. He is in Australia on a permanent protected visa.
The judge didn’t buy it then, but the usual lefty approach is to just keep appealing until you find a bleeding heart judge who accepts the horrible notion being put forward. And that didn’t take very long.
Granting leave to appeal, Court of Appeal Justice Robert Redlich said: “The sentencing judge rejected any suggestion (Esmatullah Sharifi) didn’t have a clear concept of consent in sexual relations.”
In April last year, a psychologist told the County Court that Sharifi had “an unclear concept of what constitutes consent in sexual relationships” in Australia.
“It proves, in my view, an adequate basis for most grounds of appeal that (Sharifi) wishes to pursue,” the judge said.
We’re not just dealing with ignorance of the law. We have Western judges setting out the notion that if a Muslim settler in Europe, America or Australia does not understand the concept that women can refuse sexual contact, that this is a mitigating circumstance.
Ms Dalziel said Esmatullah Sharifi claimed he did not have a great understanding of sexual mores in Australia but Judge Mark Dean disagreed.
“These are acts of violence,” the judge said. “Serious acts of violence against women, nothing to do with sexual mores. They’re brutal acts of violence.”
But they do. In Muslim sexual mores, serious acts of violence being committed against women are not a problem because the women do not belong to themselves. They belong to their family.
Islam does not recognize the same concept of individual rights as civilized jurisprudence does. Furthermore Muslims from tribal societies like Afghanistan bring those same tribal attitudes along.
As Australian columnist Andrew Bolt says, quite rightly,
If Afghan men have a culture which leaves them more likely to rape, and our courts have a culture of being more lenient as a consequence, I suggest Australian women have an interest in stopping the boats until we get this sorted out:
And that doesn’t just go only for Australia. Stop the boats. Stop the planes. Stop the trains.
The left cannot have it both ways.

Either Esmatullah Sharifi is responsible for his own actions. Or he isn’t. Either rape is cultural or it’s individual. Either Esmatullah Sharifi should be hit with the full force of the law or the Afghan culture of rape represents a threat to non-Muslim countries.

They can only pick one.

STILL yet, is Exhibit Number Three necessary? Perhaps. 

AS expected, they are completely cowed and bowed.

INCONTROVERTIBLY, as to the west’s falling in line with another of Shariah Law’s dictates, blasphemy, well, America has already nailed that one down – and not in a good way!

BUT most significantly for Americans (westerners alike), they must consider the facts at hand on multiple levels, that is, if they value their own safety.

POINTEDLY, if one travels (male or female), let alone resides in an Islamic country, one can easily get caught up in a Shariah underpinned nightmare. Not only that, a westerner’s citizenship means less than squat, when it comes to escaping their brand of “justice.” 

Internalize this truth too: not one country, let alone America, will protest or protect from Islam’s boot. 

RESULTANT, westerners must come to grips that they are on their own, when it comes to beating back Shariah Law. This is the case whether they are outside their own borders or even inside them. The good news is that it can be stopped, blow by blow.

AND for the record, up until 9/11/01 – or thereabouts – one could have been forgiven for being ignorant of the most brutal aspects of Islam via Shariah Law. No longer. After all, alternative media – with this site in the forefront – has been beating the drum at a steady pace. And if one is computer literate, it is next to impossible to veer away. In fact, their barbarism has been catapulting across the globe – in one way or another – and is sanctioned by Shariah Law. How much more obvious does it have to be?

AGAIN, how many realize that Shariah Law has been creeping, stealth-fully, into America? If not, it is way past time to catch up to speed!

BTW, in case readers are wondering: is there such a thing as “Shariah-lite”, when practiced outside Dar al-Islam or within its confines? The answer is: never and never! 

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