In this mailing:
- Geert Wilders: Thank God for the
- Amir Taheri: Syria: Looking for
Ways out of the Maze
- Raymond Ibrahim: Infidel Women:
Spoils of War
by Geert Wilders • February 18,
2018 at 5:00 am
- Patriotism is one of
the biggest strengths of a nation. Waving the national flag is
so much more than bringing a tribute to successful athletes. It
also links us to a heritage and a tradition. Our national flag
symbolizes ancient loyalties embodying the legacy of our
fathers, which we want to bestow on our children.
- A few weeks ago, I
lodged an official complaint against the Prime Minister for
discrimination on behalf of thousands of my Dutch compatriots.
This week, the Public Prosecutor announced that he will not
prosecute Mr Rutte because the government policy is one of
"positive discrimination," which the Public Prosecutor
considers permissible. I will now take the case directly to the
court. A government that is positively discriminating in favor
of foreigners is negatively discriminating against its own
- Just as the millions
of Dutch, who are currently watching the Olympics on their
television sets, are cheering their own athletes, governments
should be the cheerleaders of their own people. We need to bring
the spirit of the Olympics to politics, the spirit of
patriotism. The nation-state has the duty to positively
discriminate in favor of its own people. It has to cheer them
on, encourage them, be proud of them, as we now are of our
athletes. And always will be.

Jorien Ter
Mors of the Netherlands celebrates winning the gold medal during the
Ladies' 1000m Speed Skating at the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics,
February 14, 2018. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)
My country, the Netherlands, is doing extremely well
in the 2018 Winter Olympics. It is great to see how the Dutch
successes are reinforcing feelings of national pride and patriotism.
Thank God for the Olympics! Cheering one's own athletes over
foreigners has nothing to do with discrimination, racism or jingoism.
Sporting events are one of the few occasions where people can still
unabashedly display feelings of national pride without being judged
for it by the leftist cosmopolitan elites.
by Amir Taheri • February 18, 2018
at 4:00 am
The city center of Kobane, Syria on June 20, 2015, shortly after the
Kurdish YPG militia wrested control of the city from ISIS. (Photo by
Ahmet Sik/Getty Images)
In Western political and diplomatic circles, the
received idea these days is that war in Syria has reached its end and
that what one should now focus on is reconstruction.
However, like all other received ideas this one, too,
is as full of holes and Swiss cheese.
The first hole is that what we have witnessed in Syria
over the past seven years was not a war in any classical sense of the
term. What we saw was several wars woven into each other, in the
context of a humanitarian disaster sharpened by rivalry among a dozen
cynical powers in pursuit of contradictory goals.
In that sense, far from being at the end of anything
in Syria, we may be at the beginning of a new phase in this historic
The second hole is that even if we focus on any of the
parallel wars in Syria we would still find it hard to claim that we
have reached the end.
by Raymond Ibrahim • February 17,
2018 at 3:00 am
- The treatment of
non-Muslim women as subhuman by jihadi organizations, such as
ISIS or Boko Haram in Nigeria -- where "infidel"
females are bought, sold, gang-raped, mutilated, dismembered and
burned alive — is relatively well known from ISIS videos. Less
well known is that many of these practices are still taking
place, often rampantly, across the Muslim world, as a 2016
report revealed...
- Such incidents occur
frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged
at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the [Muslim]
community's mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard
them as spoils of war." -Local residents, Pakistan 2014
- To put it differently,
all the Hollywood stars, militant feminists and social-justice
warriors who are forever raging against "sexism" in
the West — but who have nothing to say about Islam's female
victims — are not "defenders of women's rights," but
"useful idiots" dedicated to subverting Western
civilization no less than the terrorists they have been
apologizing and covering for.

A victim of
an acid attack. Many Islamists treat "infidel" women as if
they are subhuman. Photo: Wikipedia.
One aspect of radical Islamist aggression that is
overlooked – or purposely ignored – by Western liberals is that
non-Muslim women tend to be its greatest victims. According to a
recent Open Doors study, "Christian women are among the most
violated in the world, in maybe a way that we haven't seen
before." The study revealed that six women are raped every day
simply for being Christian.
The reason for this is simple. As harsh as Islamic law
(sharia) is for men, it is even more so for women. The Koran gives men
the authority to beat women for disobedience (4:34), that the
testimony of two women equals that of one man (2:282); most of hell's
population consists of women; and women are likened to donkeys and
dogs for distracting men from and annulling their prayer.
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