In this mailing:
- Guy Millière: "Europe Will
Not Be Europe"
- Amir Taheri: Iran and the
American Forbidden Fruit
by Guy Millière • June 9, 2019 at
5:00 am
- In the United
Kingdom, the Brexit Party victory at 31.6% of the vote was a
remarkable achievement that showed the persistent willingness
of millions of Britons to leave the European Union. The
"populist" positions -- the defense of national
sovereignty and European civilization, refusal of uncontrolled
immigration and diktats of Brussels technocrats -- have gained
- The parties that
have ruled Europe for decades obtained weak results, but, with
rare exceptions, did not collapse -- and will continue to
dominate the European Union.
- The Greens may gain
more influence – along with its consequences. To anyone who
read the Greens' programs, it is evident that they are
essentially leftists with an environmental green mask. They
support unrestricted immigration and multiculturalism. They
are...resolutely hostile to any defense of Western
civilization, to free enterprise and free markets. They are
often in favor of zero growth. Most of them support an
apocalyptic vision of climate change and say that the survival
of humanity will be at stake around the corner if Europe does
not take drastic measures to "save the planet". All
of them are in favor of authoritarian decisions imposed from
Brussels to all of Europe.
- A European
parliament placed under the influence of the Greens will
almost certainly accelerate the slide towards more power given
to the unelected members of the European Commission, and a
phasing out of nuclear energy and fossil fuels. Policies
favorable to still more immigration already are in
source: iStock)
by Amir Taheri • June 9, 2019 at
4:00 am
- An Iran that is
friendly with the US and is inspired by "American
values" such as freedom of expression and the rule of law
would not long tolerate the despotic and lawless system
created by the ayatollah.
- Here we have a
delicious irony: Khomeinists and their Iranian apologists in
the West love the American way of life, but only for
themselves and their children. The trick is to deny the mass
of Iranians, who have no enmity towards the US, a taste of
that forbidden fruit.
- Khomeinists must be
anti-American to remain in power while they and their children
benefit from the best that America offers, including the
possibility of eventually settling in California. Their
message to America is: I must appear to hate you in order to
love you secretly!
- The interesting
thing here is that many US scholars and policymakers still
pursue the dream of helping "moderates" secure
unchallenged dominance in Tehran. This is why successive US
administrations never pushed beyond the Khomeinist regime's
"threshold of pain".
must be anti-American to remain in power while they and their
children benefit from the best that America offers, including the
possibility of eventually settling in California. Their message to
America is: I must appear to hate you in order to love you
secretly! Pictured: Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, proclaims
"Death to America." (Image source: MEMRI video
"Why do they hate us?" This is a question
frequently put to me by Americans when discussing the rabid
anti-Americanism professed by the Khomeinist ruling clique in the
Islamic Republic.
The puzzlement implied in the question is
understandable. For the United States is the only major power to
have a decades-long history of close friendly ties with Iran. From
the first decades of the 19th century, Iran found itself caught in
an "Imperialist" pincer with Tsarist Russia and Great
Britain providing its two arms. The Russians invaded Iran three
times and snatched large chunks of Iranian territory in Caucasus
and Central Asia. The British carved off large chunks of Iranian
territory to add to their Indian Empire or to expand the newly
created Afghan state they protected.
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