Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

Pakistan’s Vows To Eliminate Taliban - Taliban Vows To Eliminiate Pak Leaders

Posted: 10 May 2009 01:30 AM PDT

Pakistan’s Prime Minister used a late-night, nationally televised address

to officially announce a military operation to “eliminate” the Taliban in the

country’s volatile northwest, where the largest human exodus in South

Asia since the partition of India and Pakistan continued for the twelfth

straight day.


And in response…

Angered by Pakistan government’s decision to launch an all out war against

them, the Taliban has vowed to “eliminate” country’s top leadership

including President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza

Gilani and their close family embers.

“We thought that being a member of a religious family, Gilani will support our

demand of implementing Sharia in the Malakand division but instead he has

announced an all-out war against us, which has angered our commanders as

well as fighters,” an unnamed Taliban commander told The News daily.
The militant commander, who spoke to the newspaper by phone, said after

Gilani declared during an address to the nation on Thursday that the

Taliban would be wiped out from the Swat Valley and adjoining areas, the

militants had started planning to “eliminate the top leaders of the ruling

alliance, including President, Prime Minister and their close family members

and aides”.

The commander said Gilani’s hometown of Multan and tomb of former

premier Benazir Bhutto might also be targeted by the militants.

“Besides, the personnel and installations of security forces, we have now also

included civilian rulers in our hit list. We will definitely need some time to

plan our actions but it is not impossible for us and we have all the means to

implement our plan of attack anywhere in Pakistan,” he claimed.

The militant commander confirmed that the chief of the outlawed

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Baitullah Mehsud, was advising militants in

Swat in their fight against the security forces.

He said Mehsud had advised the Swat chapter of his group to plan attacks

on civilian leaders.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

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9th Grade Students Asked To Plot Terror Attack - Colorado

Posted: 10 May 2009 01:18 AM PDT

A ninth grade history project at a high school in Pueblo was supposed to

teach students about terrorism, but instead it outraged parents.

Gini Fischer says her daughter came home Thursday saying she
had two minutes to come up with a plot for an act of terrorism.

Over 110 freshmen at Pueblo County High School were given the


The teacher claims the assignment was to illustrate an act of terrorism

by a foreign government on American soil.

Fischer says, “To ask them to use their creative energies to come up with

a plot for an act of terrorism is very ludicrous.”

District 70 Superintendent Dr. Dan Lere said students may have misinterpreted
the assignment.

He says if a student, “actually did illustrate an act of terrorism that they
might commit, let’s say against the school, we’ve expelled students
for that.”

The school district has decided to collect the assignment from students

and destroy them.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert.

National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and

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