Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Niqab, the Pseudo-Islamic Face-Veil

Islamist Watch

the Pseudo-Islamic Face-Veil

by Irfan Al-Alawi and Stephen
Suleyman Schwartz
The American Spectator
December 3, 2009


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Countries from Italy
to Sweden are
debating the right of women to wear the niqab. Canada is the
latest country to enter the fray, with the Muslim
Canadian Congress
desiring to ban it. Is such a ban possible in the
U.S., where its prevalence is evident in certain urban centers, like Philadelphia?

Muslim women's wearing of niqab, the
veil covering everything but the eyes, and, by extension, the
face-concealing mesh that is combined with a long garment to form the
burqa in South Asia, has been introduced into the West as a
purported religious obligation, and therefore, is put forward by
ideological Islamists as a prospective civil right.

Niqab has become a matter of
controversy in almost every Western country, most recently when the
French government opened an inquiry into its prohibition – with the
support, perhaps counter-intuitive, of that country's leading Muslim
figure, Dr. Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Grand
Mosque of Paris
. France had already banned all forms of religious
dress and symbolism from its state schools. In 2008, Dutch State
Secretary for Education Ronald Plasterk, representing the
immigrant-friendly Labor Party, called for banning
niqab, as well as the burqa and abaya, from the
country's primary and secondary schools, both for pupils and for
visiting mothers.

The burqa, with its niqab-like
eyescreen, is barred from British
and some Belgian
public schools. Earlier controversies include Quebec's
2007 decision that women must remove niqab if they vote, and a
demand in 2006 by British Labour politician Jack
that women take off niqab before visiting his
constituency office.

The U.S. has seen a number of bizarre
attempts to establish niqab as a right. In 2001, Sultaana
obtained a Florida driver's license while wearing
niqab, but the license was then canceled.

Niqab is not the same as other
practices often referred to generally as "veils" or "veiling" like

  • hijab, or head-covering,
  • the abaya, a loose full-body covering imposed on women in
    Saudi Arabia , although it is required in that kingdom that it be
    supplemented by niqab,
  • the chador, an Iranian cloak,
  • or jilbab, a loose garment covering the body except for the
    head, face, and hands.

Distinctions between these and various
Western styles for women are difficult to make, especially in a
civil-liberties environment. Head scarves and long coats or cloaks are
worn by many women in cultures around the world, non-Muslim as well as
Muslim. But since a hijab or head-covering may resemble a hat, it
may be prohibited for all women in certain settings. Also in 2007, a Georgia
judge barred a Muslim woman from entering court unless she removed her
hijab, just as men and women are required to take off hats and
caps when a judge is present. The radical Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR) unsuccessfully challenged the judge's decision on the
false claim of religious freedom. But religious claims do not override
judicial practice, at least in the U.S., any more than they would
justify carrying a driver's license that conceals the bearer's

Niqab as a security
encourages non-Muslim suspicion of Muslims, since it
encourages Muslims toward separatism from their non-Muslim neighbors.
And the security issue is real. Male terrorists in such varied countries
as Pakistan, Britain, Afghanistan, and Israel have donned female
coverings in attempting to escape police. Ordinary criminals have put on
niqab as a disguise while committing robberies in the U.S.,
Britain, Canada, India, and Bosnia-Hercegovina.

is not Islamic
. Covering of the face by women is nowhere
mentioned in Qur'an, and the opinions of Islamic legal scholars on it
are not unanimous. The Hanafi school of Islamic law, which is most
widespread among Muslims, specifically rules out face covering, on the
basis of women's needs while dealing normally with men, in commerce and
elsewhere. In traditional Islam, men are called on to act modestly, and
women are not ordered to disfigure and subordinate themselves by masking
their features. The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said
that women making the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca should not cover their
faces or wear gloves, although in their typically perverse manner, Saudi Wahhabi clerics now seek
to impose it upon them even then.

Millions of Muslim women around the world do
not wear so-called Islamic dress, but have retained local customary
garments, which do not distort their form or personality. Many have
adopted the same fashions as Western or Far-Eastern women. Women
in Hejaz
, the Western Arabian region in which the holy cities of
Mecca and Medina are located, did not, in the past, cover their faces,
and increasingly protest against the imposition of this practice.

The radicals who promote niqab try to
pretend that a woman becomes a "better Muslim" by covering her face.
This concept is no more Islamic than niqab itself. In traditional
Islam, division of Muslims between the good and the bad, aside from
those who have committed terrorist or criminal acts, will be decided by
God, not by men or women.

According to established
Islamic guidance
, Muslims who migrate to non-Muslim societies are
required to accept and obey the laws and customs of the countries to
which they move. Attempts to introduce niqab into Western
countries represent an obvious violation of this principle.

Western nations have developed a doctrine of
"reasonable accommodation" of religious beliefs and practices. But
acceptance of niqab in the West would embody "unreasonable

Appeals for an immediate ban on niqab
or face-coverings in Western countries are, in the view of many moderate
Muslims, correct. To rid the Muslim world of niqab will require a
sustained debate and social development in each country where it is
presently found, based on a pluralistic discussion leading to its
recognition as a non-Islamic, and dehumanizing, practice.

Author Irfan Al-Alawi is international
director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism and a contributor to

Islamist Watch.
Stephen Suleyman Schwartz is executive director of the Center for
Islamic Pluralism in Washington, D.C. and a contributor to

Related Topics:
Head Coverings / Dress Irfan Al-Alawi
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