Tuesday, January 5, 2010

01-05-10: Video: Newt - Protecting 'Rights' of Terrorists Is More Important to AG than Safety of Americans

January 5th

Most important civil right of all. Hanson: Some modest Obama predictions. Presidential leadership. How is Obama measuring up? His image....what a difference a year makes! Utopian ‘new left' is just like the old left. The politics of ‘repeal.'

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Exclusive: The ‘System' Failed - Why?

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

After the attempted Christmas Day Detroit-bound bombing, one White House official allegedly declared "we're going to get hammered on this." They were right.

Where Does 'The Buck Stop'?

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

As long as our protectors are treated as "racists," "bigots" and "Islamophobes" - not just by Muslim Brotherhood types, but by our government - we are assuredly condemned to more systemic failures.

Exclusive: Global Warming - A Cruel Joke on Society

Dick McDonald

Armed with the arrogance of ignorance and a powerful excel spreadsheet, the environmental "terrorists" set out to beef up their case against progress.

Will 2010 Really Be Different?

Bob Parks

You'd think the tea parties would have awakened the elected, but if the nation comes through and cleans House, we know what the politicians will get out of it. What about us?

Exclusive: The International Atomic Energy Agency: Nuclear Watchdog or Iran's Lapdog? (Part One of Two)

Dr. Robin McFee

We are gravely mistaken when we underestimate Ahmadinejad, his allies or the resolve of his nation.

Video: Newt Gingrich: Protecting 'Rights' of Terrorists Is More Important to AG Holder than Safety of Americans
Video: Hypocrite Harry? Sen. Reid Condemns Packing Deals in a Managers Amendment to Pass Legislation
A Salute to West Point -The school tries to build a military led by officers of character.
Video: DeMint: President Downplaying the Threat of Terrorism
Video: Ex-9/11 Commission Head: Unsuccessful Bomber ‘Probably Did Us a Favor'
Video: Ex-CIA Analyst Calls Repatriation of Gitmo Detainees ‘Nonsense'
James Woolsey, former CIA boss battles terror and political correctness.
Stimulus cash went to non-existent zip codes
Climategate: You should be steamed!
Climategate: Failure of a Blind and Biased Mainstream Media.

Exclusive: You Can't Make This Stuff Up! (1/5/10)

The Editors

A daily roundup of idiocy, buffoonery and incompetence - courtesy of your government and its enablers.

Europe to Investigate the UN over ‘Pandemic' Scam

Jim O'Neill

In addition to the "global warming" rip off, you can add another huge international racketeering operation - the H1N1 "pandemic" of 2009, which has ripped off the taxpayers yet again.

In Politics the ‘C' Word Always Matters

Lloyd Marcus

As Churchill said, "With integrity, nothing else counts. Without integrity, nothing else counts." Sadly, integrity is a quality that seems to be lacking in Washington.

What Happens to Poisonous Ideologies Over Time?

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

In the face of the near-terrorist attack on Christmas Day, we need to take a big look at what happens to such nasty narratives over time.

We choose, you peruse.

  1. For Obama, terrorism is a four-letter word: Bush By: Byron York
  2. Freed Guantánamo inmates are heading for Yemen to join al-Qaeda fight (TIMES UK)
  3. Federal Appeals Court Rejects Sept. 11 Conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui's Appeal (AP)
  4. Treating terrorism as an ordinary crime (Washington Examiner Editorial)
  5. Does anyone believe Napolitano when she says, "The system worked?" (HUMAN EVENTS)
  6. Our barons of legacy journalism don't fear terrorism or the terrorists; they fear conservatism and the Republican Party! (SPECTATOR)
  7. War on Terror? What War? (DAVID LIMBAUGH)
  8. A War By Any Other Name Cal Thomas
  9. The Cornhusker Pushback: State AGs say Ben Nelson's Medicaid deal is unconstitutional. (WSJ)
  10. A False Nuclear Start: Forty-one Senators vs. Biden on warhead modernization. (WSJ)
  11. Homeland Security: With Talent Like This... By Claudia Rosett
  12. Obama returns to terror scrutiny (WT)
  13. Dems look to skip formality on health bills (WT)
  14. Shock: Government ‘De-radicalization' Expert on Terror Watch List (PAJAMAS)
  15. Democratic Leaders Plan Secret Health Reform Deliberations (US NEWS AND WORLD REPORT)
  16. Spotty enforcement for new US air screening rules (MY WAY)
  17. Security pushed aside, GOP says (WT)
  18. A Failed Anti-Terror Strategy - by Jamie Glazov
  19. Congress horribilis (WT)
  20. Behind the Culture of Terrorism Denial
  21. Senior Commander in Afghan Insurgent Group Says Killing of CIA Agents Was Payback for Drone Strikes in the Region (WSJ)
  22. Tehran Plans a Major Military Exercise (WSJ)
  23. Attempted Murder of Danish Cartoonist (SPIEGEL)
  24. Terrorism's Triumphant Techniques By RALPH PETERS
  25. Wacky jihad therapy failed to 'cure' plane-bomb plotter (NYP)

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