Monday, January 4, 2010

Defeating Jihadi Terrorism

Defeating Jihadi Terrorism

by Dr. Babu Suseelan

Recent media reports indicate imminent Mumbai type Jihadi attacks around the
world. Nowhere is the tension and fear from Jihadi attacks more evident than
in the major cities of New York, London, Zurich, Madrid, Rome, Mumbai and New

Since Jihadis have an exclusive patent for terrorism, citizens are worried,
fearful and scared. Jihadi terrorists could strike at any moment in any city
at any time at their choice. No democratic country is safe from Islamists who
are dead set against democracy, modernism, coexistence, religious tolerance,
and secularism. Jihadis who fight against infidels and our civilization in the
name of the Islamic past fight with modern weapons of every kind against innocent
people without fear, guilt, or shame.

In this context, citizens are traumatized, and they are changing their behavior
and life style. Their hopes for a peaceful existence are shattered. What can
one do to feel safe again in our own country? Secular political leaders and
security officials warn us against terrorist attacks. They are only dimly aware
of who the people behind terrorism are, why they are terrorizing us, and the
motivating ideology of these terrorists. The lack of their clarity and deliberate
failure to inform the public about terrorists and their deadly ideology make
us even more anxious and cautious.

It is time for citizens to study this ideology. What motivates these terrorists
who make us tremble and unable to live life for our dreams and our faith? The
greatest shame is that our liberal politicians, leftist intellectuals and pro-Islamist
media are silent on Jihadi terrorism. Their silence or open support for Jihadi
terrorists with phony root cause theories is deceptive. Why do these deceptive
politicians and liberal intellectuals fail to stand up and fight for our constitution,
liberty, life and values? Why are they colluding with our tormenters? Why are
they not demanding that hatred from the Koran be expunged? By colluding with
Jihadis and keeping silent about the deadly Islamic ideology, they put our life
at risk.

It is difficult for citizens who want to live in peace to swallow Jihadi hatred
and their death defying criminal acts. Our values, freedom, life as well as
our civilization hang in the balance. We cannot depend on phony secularists
and leftist intellectuals to save us. Their views are quite pathetic. They are
not going to guide us or ready to provide us any solution. Marxist intellectuals
and bogus secularists have become a tool in the hands of Islamic terrorists
in advancing their political agenda and Islamo fascism in which the terrorism
is perpetuated.

What Should One Do?

Citizens are part of the solution. Despite the fact that Jihadi terrorist assault
the citizens of our country, individuals are reluctant to take realistic responses.
It is a paradox. People have acquired "banner blindness", "denial",
apathy and indifference. After so many jihadi terrorist attacks are perpetrated,
people are habituated to terrorism. Jihadis kill innocent people; destroy our
property and spread hatred and fear. But citizens have become inoculated against
the terrorists. And these habituated citizens who are inoculated and hide behind
a thick wall of denial no longer can react.

It is time for us to get our heads out of the sand and fight the great fight.
The crooks, the degenerates and bogus secularists who run away from freedom
and responsibility are ripping to pieces our value system, our freedom and our

Commonsense suggests that citizens have the right to identify people trying
to ferment violence, spread hatred and terror in our country. With unlimited
petro dollars, Jihadi terrorists are gathered up to oppress us, terrorize us,
scare us, and impose the tyranny of Islam.

The time has come for the public to take appropriate action. Jihadis are trying
to instill fear in us. If we stand up and stand united, we will become more
powerful and the Jihadis cannot put us in psychological trauma. We can fight
back with determination. A strong determined assault on Islamists will preclude
them from undermining our sense of security and disrupting our everyday life.

We cannot prevail tomorrow or live in peace and tranquility without courageous
action today. If we must meet the challenges today with strength, will power
and determination in order to insure our future well-being. By acting today
against our enemies who are willing to die for their past, we are choosing our
future and the future of children and our grand children yet to be born. Let
us stand together and make our country great. Let us preserve our freedom and

Dr. Babu Suseelan is a professor of clinical psychology and the director
of a drug and alcohol treatment program in Pennsylvania. He writes on the subject
of Islamic terrorism and its effect on Hindu society.


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