Friday, January 8, 2010

Obama and Petraeus Play Whac-a-Mole – Part 2

Obama and Petraeus Play Whac-a-Mole – Part 2

2010 January 7

In part 1, I propounded that our current strategy in the War is not getting us anywhere, as have pundits Diana West here, David Harsanyi here, and George F. Will here.

Why is that? Well, no one of prominence in the White House, in Congress or at the Pentagon has yet seriously taken into account the roles that Islam’s doctrine, law (Sharia), history and practice are playing in the enemy’s plan to destroy us and make Islam the dominant political/religious/legal force in the world.

The one exception was U.S. Army Major Stephen Coughlin, J.D., our very brightest military expert in jihad, Muslim law, and Koranic application to the jihad. Following the publishing of his masterfully revealing thesis, Major Coughlin was summarily fired by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England, at the insistence of England’s Muslim advisor Hesham Islam.

The jihad, both by violence and by stealth, is wearing us and our allies down, depleting our financial resources, costing precious lives of our brave military service members, and it relentlessly moves about from place to place.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, suddenly it’s on to Yemen. For a little history on that Muslim State into which Obama and Petraeus now intend to march headlong, try this. And while you’re contemplating what Obama and Petraeus are talking about implementing in Yemen, take a look at Robert Spencer’s latest Jihadwatch breaking news alert.

From Adrian Blomfield in the TelegraphUK:

“In an apparently botched surveillance operation, militants driving six trucks filled with weapons and ordnance succeeded in giving security forces the slip as they entered the city, according to local media.

The revelations came as western diplomatic missions in Sana’a went into lockdown following threats from al-Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate, which has taken responsibility for a failed attempt to blow up an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day.

Both the British and American embassies, considered the most high-profile targets in the city, remained closed for a second day. France and the Czech Republic also shut their embassies, while Spain, Germany and Japan announced restrictions on public access to their missions.

The identity of those who smuggled the weapons contingent into Sana’a has not been disclosed, and it is unclear if its disappearance is linked to al-Qaeda’s increasingly powerful Yemeni branch, al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP)

Although AQAP released a statement on Sunday urging its followers to kill all Western diplomats on the Arab Peninsula, western officials have declined to divulge whether or not threats of a specific nature have been made.”

Gosh. How much more specific can a threat be?

I thought Obama and friends told us the real war was in Afghanistan…no, wait, it’s Pakistan…no, wait, now it’s really Yemen.

The moles keep popping up all over the Middle East, Africa, Asia, England, and even here in The United States. This jihad is like a metastasizing cancer that appears suddenly in different parts of the body, unpredictably and lethally.

The Middle East is not Kansas, Toto, and it never will be. We should pull our troops out of Iraq, Afghanistan and, please let us not send them into the soon-to-be quick-sand swamp that is Yemen. We must stop trying to build Western-style nations in Muslim States, and start concentrating on defeating the jihad right here at home.

We’re not going to fix all of the centuries-old infighting between and among Shiites, Sunnis and all of the tribal factions that make up the World of Islam. To the contrary, we should take full advantage of that rift to protect ourselves. So, let’s revamp the plan with a slant toward really winning, not just prolonging, the War.

But first, a little study of Islam 101 by our politicians and military brass is in order. Failing that, we are going to lose.

More to follow.

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