Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10-04-10: Mexican Pirates' Killing of American Tourist Creates Outrage

Pakistan's Links to Western Terror Plots

The Editor
While Pakistan has intolerant Islamist laws, can it ever be able to prevent international Islamist terrorism that is planned and initiated from within its borders?

Mexican Pirates' Killing of American Tourist Creates Outrage

Jim Kouri, CPP

After a U.S. man was shot dead on Falcon Lake, a popular Mexican tourist spot, why has the Administration issued no statements of condemnation?

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Why Revive Doomed Palestinian-Israeli Peace Talks?

Dr. Avigdor Haselkorn

Are there reasons for the American Administration to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks that have less to do with peace in Gaza and the West Bank and more to do with ulterior motives?

Muslim Outreach

Gadi Adelman

So why is our current administration allowing someone with ties to terror group Hamas into top secret areas of the National Counterterrorism Center?

Leave Politics to the Politicians

Don Rodgers

Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin has put his entire military career on the line to demand proof of the legitimacy of the commander-in-chief. Why would he go to such lengths?

Gloria Allred's Attempted Robbery

Gregory D. Lee

Gloria Allred has manipulated the issue of Meg Whitman's maid to file a spurious lawsuit in an attempt to damage Whitman. How is this ethical?


Video: Amanpour Promises ‘All Sides,' yet She Skews Debate as She Charges ‘Islamophobia' Spurs Anti-Muslim Violence
Video: Texas Lake Attack Linked To Mexican Drug War and Pirates
Video: Hamburg Cell at Heart of Terrorist Plot Against Europe
Video: Washington Post Columnist Says Glenn Beck Is Dangerous
Video: Liberal ‘One Nation Working Together' Rally: The SEIU Trashed the WWII Memorial
Liberal ‘One Nation Working Together' Rally Leaves Lincoln Memorial Ridden with Trash
U.S. Warns Americans in Europe to Be Vigilant
Video: Flag of Islam Will Fly over White House.....SHOCKING

Review: This Time We Win, by James Robbins

Bruce Kesler

Have America's failures of leadership and will during the Vietnam War helped to form the negative views of our present foes?

Connected by Disconnect

Salena Zito

Salena Zito continues her trek through the heartland, here visiting Independence Pass, Colorado, where she tests the mood of its inhabitants....

The EPA's Long War on Chemicals

Alan Caruba

Chemicals have been part of life long before chemistry was invented. So why is the EPA attacking chemicals, while not being specific about the chemicals it condemns?

Greens Shackle National Security - and Renewable Energy

Paul Driessen

Only now do the environmentalists say we need the minerals that they've been locking up for decades

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

U.S. warns Americans in Europe to be vigilant (WT)
Key NATO Supply Route Hit Again (FOX)
Free speech cases at top of Supreme Court's agenda (MY WAY)
Anti-Islam Dutch Leader Wilders Goes on Trial (AP)
U.K. issues travel advisory over jihad threat on European continent, Sweden raises alert to highest level ever (JIHAD WATCH)
Hamburg cell at heart of terrorist plot against Europe (CNN)
Japan warns travelers about terror in Europe (YAHOO)
Teachers aren't heroes and pretending they are only muddles the debate over education reform (DC CALLER)
Texan wants Guard troops at states' call (WT)
9/11 Conspiracies Rife In Muslim World (AP)
Ahmadinejad calls for US leaders to be 'buried' (FOX NEWS)
U.S. Believes Bin Laden Involved in Europe Plot (CBS NEWS)
Global employment crisis will stir social unrest, warns UN agency (TELEGRAPH)
Trouble with the new Kim on the block (NY POST)
Number of Officers Killed in Mexico Border City Tops 100 as Drug War Drags On (FOX NEWS)

Black Crosses and Black Deaths

Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. and Niger Innis

Attacks on coal-mining and coal use would trample on hopes, progress, living standards and lives.

Quote of the Day - October 4, 2010

Wise words, never heeded by Muslim cartoon jihadists.

Social Security: An Example of Government Rigor Mortis

Star Parker

First introduced in 1935 when the world was very different, Social Security now eats up five percent of the government budget and continues to grow....

'Waiting for Superman'

Frank Hill

The problems with public schools feature in a new movie, but not all schools are bad. Some schools are bucking the trend and setting high standards in troubled areas.

MDAA Missile Defense Update

Riki Ellison

A round-up of the week's news on issues relating to missile defense from around the globe.

Quote of the Day - October 2, 2010

What is the purpose of Congress?

Weather Underground Redux

Janet Levy

The radical Left is not discriminating and will join forces with any group that shares its hatred of Israel and the United States....


Nancy Kobrin, PhD, Joan Lachkar, PhD

Ahmadinejad of Iran is hard to take seriously as a statesman. He is not a true leader, but a puppet to Iran's Supreme leader Ali Khameini. Ahmadinejad also tells very big lies...

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