Thursday, October 14, 2010

10-13-10: Killer Cops in Your Town? (Plus: Is DHS keeping secrets about Drunk-Driving Illegal Alien…)


DHS Will Keep Its Probe Secret on Drunk-Driving Illegal Alien Who Killed Nun
On the Tenth Anniversary of the Cole Attack
Video: Daily Show: MSNBC's new logo should be ‘Left Behind'
Helen Thomas: 'Baloney. I've Never Been Anti-Semitic. I'm a Semite'
We Don't Need No (Leftist) Education
Video: Donna Brazile Sites Communist China as a Successful Economic System
Terror threat to restaurants as Al Qaeda calls for attacks on government workers in D.C.
Monterrey, Mexico Now Off Limits to Children of U.S.-Government Employees

Killer Cops in Your Town?

Chet Nagle

Has nothing been learned since the Rodney King incident? Sadly, some police officers are still resorting to inappropriate violence and unlawful killings...

What Comes First...‘The Chicken' of Consumer Demand or ‘The Egg' of Job Creation?

Frank Hill

There are nearly 20 million unemployed, under-employed or just plain ‘gave up looking for employment' Americans right now. How can this situation change?

Parsing Obama

Paul Hollrah

Karl Rove said, "How dare he?" when the president claimed the U.S. Chamber is buying votes for Republicans with illegal money brought into the country from overseas. What is going on?

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Is it Time for More Attacks?

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

The "chatter" in the Islamosphere suggests that the West and America could be in for a big attack soon. Would such an event change people's voting intentions?

Administration Covers Over Cracks in Policy

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

The administration trumpets its meager achievements but it's a lackluster show that can't be

Look Who's Nativist Now

Michelle Malkin

The party in power is suddenly declaring that it is putting American concerns first, weeks before an election, and after two years of downplaying America's importance.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Mexican Police Official Investigating Border Lake Shooting Found Dead, Missing Head (FOX)

  2. Al-Qaida in Yemen Publishes Tips on How to Kill Americans (CNS)

  3. Back in business: US lifts deep water drilling ban (DAILY CALLER)

  4. Not so fast on ground zero mosque (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)

  5. DOA To Use ‘Food Behavior Scientists’ to Modify Kids’ Eating Habits (THE BLAZE)

  6. Don't-Ask Policy Is Halted By Judge (WSJ)

  7. U.S. intelligence agencies 'wasted' billions (WT)

  8. Analysis: Ahmadinejad to issue warning in Lebanon (JPOST)

  9. Defense Pushing for Monthlong Delay in Fort Hood Shooting Hearing (FOX)

  10. Dick Cheney out of hospital, back on road (POLITICO)

Keep Scrolling

Despicable Race Baiting

Lloyd Marcus

Why would the race-card be brought into play right now, in a supposedly "post-racial" America? Something is rotten in the state of the nation.....

Pallywood redux

Melanie Phillips

Another Palestinian hoax video is touring news outlets - where a child is said to be run over but he clearly throws himself at a car. And why were photographers there?

Secretary Napolitano Misleading Public About Immigration?

Jim Kouri, CPP

Janet Napolitano proclaims that it has been a record year for removal of criminal aliens. While non-criminal alien deportations have dropped, is she being disingenuous?

*****Caption Contest: Top Entries - October 13, 2010

And the winner is...

Quote of the Day - October 13, 2010

55 years on, those with "modish fads and fallacies" are still undermining America.....

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