Thursday, October 14, 2010

Two posts: "October 12th - A Day of Infamy" and "Is Jihad Winning in Holland and America?"

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

October 12th - A Day of Infamy

by Phyllis Chesler

Israel National News

October 12, 2010

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Do you remember where you were ten years ago on October 12th? That was the day that al-Qaeda bombed the USS Cole in Yemen. Seventeen sailors died in the attack.

But also on the very same day—two Israeli reservists, Vadim Norzich z"l, and Josef Avrahami, z"l, were lynched in the most barbaric fashion when they lost their way in Ramallah, which was the late Yasir Arafat's headquarters.

I will never forget that day. That was the precise moment—and it preceded 9/11 by eleven months—that I knew, really knew, that the bloody beast was back, that we had entered an era of unending bloodshed. Over and over again, the footage was shown of the murderers who tortured, mutilated, and disemboweled the two Israelis, smiling like madmen, proudly displaying their hands smeared with Jewish blood. And how the Palestinian crowds cheered for them.

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Related Topics: Jihad & Terrorism

Is Jihad Winning in Holland and America?

An Interview with Abigail R. Esman

by Phyllis Chesler


October 12, 2010

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Holland is on my mind right now, partly because Geert Wilders is, unbelievably, still on trial for the "thought crime" of telling the truth about Islamic jihad but partly because a new study has just been released which shows that half the victims of honor-related violence in Holland (this means Muslim girls and women) who sought shelter through the social service network, Fier Fryslan, were also sexually abused by their own family members.

Of the sexually abused girls, 52% were abused by a cousin, 22% by a brother and 20% by an uncle. 8% were abused by their father, 2% by a stepfather, and 2% by an acquaintance.

But, I am mainly thinking a lot about Holland because I recently met with and interviewed the most amazing woman, the author, Abigail R. Esman, who has just published a very important book, Radical State: How Jihad Is Winning Over Democracy in the West.

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