Here's a Great Idea from a Chapter Leader in Maine!
Check out this letter we just received:
It's a small victory but a victory nevertheless.
I spotted a reference to CAIR on the Dept.
of Health & Human Services website under multicultural resources. I e-mailed the DHHS Director and alerted Jared Bristol and other ACT members to contact her as well. Within two days it was taken down.
*That could be a simple national effort state by state.
Portland, ME Chapter Leader
What a great idea! Look at your state's website and scour it for mentions of CAIR, ISNA and any of the other Muslim Brotherhood organizations that are unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trial.
If you find references to these organizations, politely start a letter / email / phone campaign to the state agency involved and respectfully ask that CAIR, et al, be removed from the site. Most bureaucrats hate any form of controversy and will do anything to avoid it.
Thank you to Frank in Maine for the excellent suggestion!
Chapter Leader of the Month
Donna Maxey, Corona, California!
Donna Maxey is always there.
Her faithfulness as a chapter leader and mentor is exemplary. She came on board with ACT! for America's chapter network in mid-2008 and has never looked back. She's attended both National Conferences in Washington DC and has been a faithful supporter.
The Corona chapter, under Donna's leadership, has held monthly meetings regularly and has consistently recruited other chapter leaders in Southern California. Their meetings have attendance numbers of up to 80 people!
She's also been "going on the road" and speaking out regarding the threats of radical Islam. See this portion of a recent letter we received:
"To whom it may concern,
Last night Donna Maxey, one of your wonderful representatives, came to speak at a group of concerned individuals here at Trilogy. We live in a 55+ community. Donna was very informative and enthusiastically communicated a wealth of new information to our group. She was very articulate and shared so much with us. I just want you to know that we deeply appreciated her dedication to your organization. She presented the material about Jihad in America with clarity and her expertise on this subject made all of us very much aware of the tremendous threat against all American citizens.
We are praying for our country and for ACT and will get the word out regarding your organization."
Congratulations Donna Maxey! Through tough times and good, she is always there.
Tip of the Month
Getting the Most Out of the Book: "Sharia Law for Non-Muslims"
By Kelly Cook, National Field Director
Bill Warner's little booklet exposing the plans that sharia law has for you and the rest of society is literally exploding with sales. Warner has done a great service to us all and the booklet is particularly useful with elected officials when distributed in the right manner.
We have been careful to note from day one that the booklets should be hand delivered to office holders you know in the context of a conversation that expresses your real concern regarding the threat of sharia law being imposed upon constitutionally based governments.
Please do not mass mail these booklets to lawmakers. This is a sure way to permanently render them as a dust collector on the top shelf of a legislator's book case. And in some states, a mailing of the booklets could send a signal to potentially adversarial legislators who may then try to play a role in derailing our legislation.
When distributing the booklets to legislators, unless you really know and trust the legislator you're talking to, do not pass out the book in the context of specific impending legislation. Rather, pass it out as an educational tool because that is what it is. It makes no mention of legislation.
We do have legislative links specifically designed to promote our bills. They are available at your request.
There are strategic reasons we ask you to distribute information in this manner. We are working with a team that has real world legislative experience on how to actually pass a bill and get a governor's signature.
The head of that team is Christopher Holton, VP for the Center for Security Policy. Joanne Bregman, a volunteer attorney and a major player in ACT! for America's Middle Tennessee Chapter, is directly helping Chris Holton in this monumental nationwide effort. They are taking the lead role in this project. If you're working on state legislation, you need to be working directly with this talented team.
The excitement level for this project from our chapter network is so impressive! Thank you for all you do.
To order copies of this power-packed booklet or obtain the links for our legislation, contact Ashley Craig for details:
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