Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ryan Mauro NRB’s Ryan Mauro on Fox & Friends This Morning About Imam Rauf’s Tour

If you’re working on a controversial project and the heat finally gets off of you, what do you do? You shut up! Things were going so well for Imam Rauf. The country had finally stopped talking about something other than the Ground Zero mosque. Park51 was moving forward, even acting so provocatively as to apply for a $5 million federal grant meant to reconstruct lower Manhattan. This attempt to use taxpayer money to fund a project they hate didn’t even register any major outrage.

And now Rauf is going on a major speaking tour. He either doesn’t get it that every time he talks about Park51 he undermines the interfaith relations he claims he wants to improve, loves attention or actually wants to cause friction. Whatever the case may be, he’s given his opponents an opportunity to make their arguments again. As I was quoted in the New York Times as saying, this will “revive the opposition.”

The Christian Action Network, where I serve as National Security Advisor, is planning a nationwide screening tour of its latest documentary about the Ground Zero mosque, many of which will include guest speakers that are experts on radical Islam or are 9/11 survivors. Contact me or go to if you want an event in your area.

I was on Fox & Friends this morning to talk about this. Here’s the segment:

Here is the trailer for SACRIFICED SURVIVORS

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