Friday, January 28, 2011

01-28-11: 1-in-4 People in the World Will be Muslim by 2030 (Plus: Walid Phares)

Egypt protests: Fresh protests could leave Egypt on brink of revolution (TELEGRAPH)
U.S. announces new terror alert system (BREITBART)
The Homeland-Security Follies - (MIKE HUCKABEE & KENNETH ALLARD)
Egypt arrests Muslim Brotherhood leaders (YAHOO)
San Francisco supervisor Jane Kim refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance (SF EXAMINAR)
Egypt: Internet down, police counterterror unit up (YAHOO)
Sen. Rand Paul says tea party holds power on Hill (WT)
Israeli ambassador to U.S. on pressing Iranian nuclear threat, Arab uprisings and the ‘Palestine Papers' (DAILY CALLER)
CBO Director: Trillion-Dollar Deficits Risk 'Fiscal Crisis' in U.S (FOX)
White House staff makeover: Carney to replace Gibbs (THE HILL)

Video Games Don't Create Terrorists But Jihadi Ideology Does

Dr. Walid Phares

Russia Today TV has hinted that the Domodedovo airport attack may have been inspired by a scenario from a popular video game. Walid Phares sifts the evidence.

Civility? What Channel?

Frank Salvato

Conservatives were publicly blamed for using hate-filled rhetoric, but for Progressives in the media it's full speed ahead with the name-calling and the deprecating jokes.


1-in-4 People in the World Will be Muslim by 2030
Video Surfaces of Taliban Stoning Couple for Alleged Adultery: "Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!" ***Viewer Warning***
Videos: Twenty five years ago today, the Challenger astronauts "touched the face of God".
Ronald Reagan at 100: A true believer who caught destiny's eye
 Video: Suspect Using Fake ID, Gets Through Airport Security and Gets Onto Plane
9/11 suit eyes a 'telephone call to Atta' - Did United Airline's worker call Atta on 9-11?
Video: Chris Christie Lambastes ‘Obscene' Police Union Contracts
Hypocrisy on Display: NY Times Defends, Runs Photo of Ants-on-Crucifix Art; Proudly Refused to Run Muhammad Cartoons
Sen. Franken Explains Why Obamacare's Individual Mandate to Buy Insurance Is Needed

Obama's SOTU: Sputnik, Skutnik and 'So What?'

Frank Hill

The State of the Union Address made mention of the economy, jobs, and also - bizarrely - Sputniks. The administration cannot fulfill such promises until it scraps its waste.

Tunisia Is Not the Model For Other Arab World "Revolutions"

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

While there are signs of revolt in other Muslim countries, Tunisia's revolution happened with little bloodshed because of its secularism and stability. Other revolts will not go so smoothly.

Brooklyn College Rescinds Appointment of Pro-Palestinian Activist

Bruce Kesler

Kristofer Peterson-Overton was acting as a professor in Brooklyn College, even though he was a supporter of Palestinian insurgents and spoke of these views in class.

The Aim Of Blood Libels

Caroline Glick

Sarah Palin's characterization of the Left's appalling assault on her and her fellow conservatives as a "blood libel" was entirely accurate.

Waivers for Favors: Big Labor's Obamacare Escape Hatch

Michelle Malkin

More than seven hundred waivers from Obamacare have been allowed - with one quarter of these waivers going to Big Labor. What is going on?

Administration's Failed Policies Get Media Pass

Cliff Kincaid

The media is playing down the less successful policies of the administration, failures which were listed at a hearing of the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee on Wednesday.

Mexican Cops Claim La Familia Cartel in Decline

Jim Kouri, CPP

Mexican drug cartel La Familia is recognized as one of the most violent and deadly organized crime gangs in the world, but with the death of its chief, it is said to be weakened.

Quote of the Day - January 28, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Hezbollah takeover of Lebanon's Government will lead to penetration of security and foreign affairs institutions...

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