wrote my letter and mailed it!!!
Write a Letter for Noor
UPDATE: More contact info on the Akmaleki honor killer prosecution. The case will be handled through the county (Maricopa), not the state and the attorney prosecuting is:
Laura Reckart
301 W. Jefferson, 8th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
So cc the prosecutor, Laura Reckart, in your letter to Judge Roland (thanks to CanaryInTheCoalMine)
No plea deals for honor killers. We need to move to enact legislation to make "honor killing" a capital crime. Until then, the least we can do for the victims is to demand no plea deals.
No sanction for gender apartheid and femicide. We must stand against the continuing diminished status of women rampant in Muslim societies.
Noor Almaleki on the left ......
You helped plant a grove in remembrance of Aqsa Parvez, the teen in Canada murdered by her father and brother. She was buried without a headstone until we raised the money and made it happen.
Noor Almaleki did not die in vain. And the West will not fail this young Muslim girl. Read the whole thing here.
Is the prosecution afraid they may insult Islam if they bring this honor killing case to trial? Faleh Hassan Almaleki should have been given the death penalty, but he cried "racism" when it was being considered. His lawyer said at the time:
"An open process provides some level of assurance that there is no appearance that a Christian is seeking to execute a Muslim for racial, political, religious or cultural beliefs," Little wrote, referring to County Attorney Andrew Thomas' Christian faith.
A Muslim father runs over and kills his daughter with his car because she wasn't Muslim enough, but justice cannot be served because that would be "Christian" "islamophobia." We can't seek the death penalty "for racial, political, religious or cultural beliefs," but he can kill his daughter for his religious and political (sharia) beliefs.
No plea.
Atlas reader Spirit of 1776 called judge Roland Steinle's office. They prefer that we write them a letter stating our concerns. All parties will be notified of our letters. Both judge and the prosecutor said they are getting calls. Good. Now write a letter. And if you can, print this gruesome gallery and send it.
Case # CR 2009-007938-001 Defendant: Faleh H. Almaleki
Judge Roland Steinle 602-506-7893
State Prosecutor/Court Atty. 602-506-3411
Judge Roland Steinle
201 W. Jefferson CCB
Suite 4C
Phoenix, Az 85003
Here is mine:
Judge Roland Steinle
Maricopa County Superior Court,
201 W Jefferson St # 4
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Dear Judge Steinle,
I am writing to urge you not to allow a plea deal for Faleh Hassan Almaleki.
In November 2009, the Arizona Republic reported that, according to state prosecutor Stephanie Low, Faleh Almaleki admitted that he ran over his daughter Noor Almaleki on purpose: "By his own admission, this was an intentional act and the reason was that his daughter had brought shame on him and his family. This was an attempt at an honor killing." Noor subsequently died from her injuries.
If he admitted to intentional murder, it would be an unconscionable miscarriage of justice not to sentence him to the full required legal penalty for his act, and instead to allow him to cut a deal for a lesser punishment. In light of public defender Billy Little's appalling statement that the sentence in this case should give "no appearance that a Christian is seeking to execute a Muslim for racial, political, religious or cultural beliefs," a plea bargain for Faleh Almaleki will give the opposite appearance: that an American court is tolerating brutal and premeditated murder out of political, religious and cultural considerations. It will show other Muslim girls who are threatened by honor killing that American courts will offer them no refuge.
Noor Almaleki is not the only Muslim woman in the United States who has been murdered in an honor killing. To allow Faleh Almaleki to plea bargain will send the signal that the Muslim community in the U.S. need undertake no reform, but rather can continue with these heinous religious and cultural practices with impunity.
I urge you to stand instead for the American principle of justice for all, and to sentence Faleh Almaleki to the most severe possible legal penalty for his crime.
Pamela GellerFreedom lover, Human Rights Activist
UPDATE: The Judge is Roland, not Ronald.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, January 06, 2011 at 05:10 PM in Honor Killings: Islam Misogyny | Permalink | Comments (26) ShareThis
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