Monday, April 4, 2011

04-04-11: Tsunami dog found alive and well in Japan after THREE WEEKS adrift at sea on a floating house (Plus: Gadi Adelman)

I Knew I Should Have Made That Left Turn at Albuquerque

by Gadi Adelman

Three Middle Eastern men make hateful comments and terroristic threats towards Marines before driving onto Camp Pendleton without authorization. They claim they were just lost...

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1. Amazing Videos: Safe and hound: Tsunami dog found alive and well in Japan after THREE WEEKS adrift at sea on a floating house 2. Video: Entertainment Reporter Concedes ‘Kennedys' Movie Was Pulled Because of Conservative Producer 3. Video: Former White House adviser says coalition can't leave Libya until Gadhafi's out 4. Video: Geraldo Rivera & Crew Are Caught in Fire Fight in Libya 5. Video: Rep. McCotter (R): I Will Not Pave the Fiscal Road to Hell With Your Money 6. Video: Liberal Krugman warns not to celebrate last week's unemployment data: ‘It's still terrible' 7. Video: Chris Matthews Wonders Why Conservatives Distrust The ‘Mainstream Media' 8. Video: Congressman Paul Ryan (R) previews FY2012 budget 9. Video: NY Mag Reporter: Current Team Thinks President Has More Talent in Little Finger than All Conservative Candidates

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It's Not Terry Jones' "Fault"

Diana West

The media seems to blame Terry Jones for the recent deaths in Afghanistan. Burning a book is one thing - murder is entirely different, and the murderers should take all the blame.

Syria on the Boil

Unrest is Growing

Amir Taheri

President Assad wanted Syrians to wait a further three weeks for a debate on reforms. The people are not prepared to wait a day longer.

Can Murder Ever be an Acceptable Response to Book Burning?

A True Test for Moderate Muslims

The Editor

When will "moderate" Muslims and "advocacy groups" declare that the life of a human being, irrespective of religion, should always be worth more than a mass-produced book?

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