Tuesday, September 6, 2011

09-06-11: Hoffa Threatens Tea Party [PLUS:Palestinian Statehood: Numbers and Facts Don't Lie]

How the NYPD Gets Jihad Right

In a world of wishful thinkers, Commissioner Kelly is a realist.

Andrew McCarthy

New York's police commissioner Ray Kelly has crafted an unparalleled counterterrorism strategy that, despite liberals' criticism, keeps citizens safe.



1. VIDEO: Hoffa Threatens Tea Party At President's Labor Day Event: "Take These Son Of a *&%!@# Out"
2. VIDEO: CNN's John King Interviews Hoffa Without Asking About 'Son of a *&%!@#' Remark
3. Australian football brings together a Peace Team of Israelis and Palestinians
4. VIDEO: Freudian Slip? President: "That Means The Government ... Is Growing"
5. America safer 10 years after 9/11, but new terrorism threats have emerged
6. VIDEO: White House Economic Advisor on Lousy Jobs Numbers: Blame Bush

7. VIDEO: Maxine Waters: Obama's Jobs Program Must be $1 Trillion
8. VIDEO: NYT's Tom Friedman: All the Interest in Sarah Palin 'A Sign of the Apocalypse'
9. VIDEO: FOX's Wallace Shows Cheney the Today Show's ‘Investigate Cheney' Protest Sign

10. School Comes Under Fire for Hanging Saudi Flag Higher Than American
11. VIDEO: MSNBC'S Al Sharpton Continues Mystifying Language Skills
12. See How the Security of American Families will be Comprised Dramatically by China's Gold Position
13. VIDEO: New Video of 9/11 Flight 93 Discovered

Palestinian Statehood: Numbers and Facts Don't Lie

Gadi Adelman

The bias by the UN against the State of Israel is obvious, so why are so many states wanting to take up the last UN decision with the International Court of Justice?

Special Interest Racial Incitement at Its Peak

Frank Salvato

Right now, elites among the progressive left are fomenting racial and class divisions with their caustic comments and blatant incitement.

Nicholas Kristof's Middle East Delusions

Mark Silverberg

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof is wrong to suggest that the U.S. should support a Palestinian state, following the advice of the anti-Israel Jewish group J-Street.

The Love Affair is Over: Turkey Jilts Israel and Recalls Ambassador

Darlene Casella

Turkey was one of Israel's few allies in the Muslim world. The alliance is now virtually dead, killed off by the Islamists in Turkey's government.

Tea Party Express V: Black Activist Not Lynched!

Lloyd Marcus

Why do influential people deliberately lie to make out that the Tea Party is a hotbed of racism and bigotry?

9-11 Commission's 10th Anniversary Report Advises Reorganization

Jim Kouri, CPP

Millions of taxpayer dollars are wasted each year by the DHS, and the nation's security has been jeopardized, because of congressional bureaucracy.

Iranian News Agency Publishes List of U.S. Citizens and Lawmakers

Clare M. Lopez, W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

A biased report by a leftist U.S. think tank has been taken up by an Iranian Khomeinist news network, and used to create a blacklist of American critics of Islamism.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Israel's Terrible Choices

Alan Caruba

Israel has been a true democracy since its founding. Neither the Palestinian Authority, nor Hamas, has any intention of permitting true democracy for their own people.

Cliche-Based Foreign Policy

Caroline Glick

If Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen's act is passed into law, the UN will have two years to enact reforms that would render a minimum of 80% of its budget financing voluntary.

Lieberman blasts Obama's Politically Correct War on Terrorists

Jim Kouri, CPP

Politically correct tactics are damaging the larger war against terrorism...

Affordable Energy is Essential for Jobs, Justice - and Better Health

Niger Innis

The EPA needs to address health and welfare issues it has thus far ignored, says minority coalition.

Honor Killings: Moderate Muslims Must Move to "Execute the Executioner"

Lt. Colonel James Zumwalt, USMC (ret)

Islamic traditions of "honor" are cruel, oppressive and barbaric. Moderate and influential Muslims must stand up and denounce such practices.

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