Wednesday, September 7, 2011

09-07-11: **OUTRAGE! No Firemen at Ground Zero This 9/11? [PLUS:California Dreamin']

A Shaky Strategy for National Security?

Presidential Policy: Does It Make the Grade?, James Carafano, PhD

While one senior Al Qaeda leader has been arrested in Pakistan, the administration's strategy for counterterrorism could make Al Qaeda more powerful...



1. OUTRAGE! No Firemen at Ground Zero This 9/11? Mayor Bloomberg says there's just not enough room to include them.
2. VIDEO: ABC‘s Jake Tapper Presses White House on Hoffa 'SOB' Remarks
3. VIDEO: NBC News Pollsters ‘Concerned' Over Administration's Negative Numbers
4. VIDEO: Vice President Dick Cheney - no regrets about Iraq
5. VIDEO: Rudy to Bloomberg: ‘Microphones Won't Melt' If Clergy at 9/11 Ceremony
6. Pew Poll Quantifies the Radical Minority of U.S. Muslims
7. VIDEO: Head of DNC - Wasserman Schultz: Republicans "Who Think The Recovery Act Didn't Work Are Wrong"
8. VIDEO: New tone? ...‘Tea Party Zombies' Video Game Allows Players to Slaughter Political Foes
9. American Muslims speak out against the enforcement of Shar'iah law in America
10. AQ has achieved every single objective it set out to achieve with the 9/11 attacks - and is riding a wave of success unimaginable 10 yrs. ago.

Sharia Lobby Shifts into Fifth Gear

Slow down, moving too fast, got to make the U.S. last...

Alyssa A. Lappen

The political lobbyists who want to see aspects of Sharia law implemented under U.S. law are increasing the pace of their campaign.

California Dreamin' - A National Nightmare?

John Howard

For decades, California has engaged in wild spending, bringing it to near bankruptcy. It is this model that is currently followed on a federal level, and this is why the nation is in trouble...

Thinking About 9/11

Herbert London

"Like many other New Yorkers we asked ourselves what we could do to help. However, the National Guardians would not let us get anywhere near the World Trade Center site..."

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Activities

Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret)

The nuclear ambitions of Iran have not abated, and the regime is getting closer to having nuclear payloads that can deliver a burst of EMP radiation above American cities.

The "First Fruits" of our Support of the Arab Spring Endeavor in Libya

John Bernard

The United States and France have reached out to the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) and predictably, the NTC turned its back on those very same nations that came to the rescue.

September Barbeque of Jews

Ari Bussel

On September 20th, the United Nations will vote on a proposal to rip out parts of Israel and establish a state of Palestine, which never existed before...

Report Card on the 9/11 Commission's Recommendations

Overall Grade: D+

Peter Gadiel, Patrick Dunleavy

Family Security Matters and 9/11 Families for a Secure America check key recommendations from the 9/11 Commission to see if they have been implemented. The news is not good.

9 11 - Tenth Anniversary Approaches

Adrian Morgan, The Editor

Family Security Matters announces a new video to commemorate the upcoming anniversary of 9 11, and we invite readers to submit their own personal opinions of 9 11.

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