Tuesday, September 13, 2011

09-13-11: British Islamists burn U.S Flag on 9/11 outside U.S Embassy [PLUS: Rick Perry vs. The Media]

Islamism and America

An address made to the Manhattan Institute's 9/11 Program

by Michael Mukasey
If the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment means anything it means that our government cannot go around picking winners and losers in theological debates.



1. SHOCKING VIDEO: British Islamists burn U.S Flag on 9/11 outside U.S Embassy... Wake Up America! This is coming to a neighborhood near you...

 2. BREAKING: U.S. embassy in Kabul under attack - live updates
3. VIDEO: Chuck Woolery Has Solution for Warren Buffett and Matt Damon's Concern About Low Taxes
4. VIDEO: Iraq Veteran & Purple Heart Recipient's Surprise Proposal To Fellow Soldier
5. VIDEO: Code Pink's Medea Benjamin Defends Krugman for Calling 9/11 ‘Occasion for Shame'

6. VIDEO: Jerusalem Dateline: Why Terrorists Want to Harm Us
7. VIDEO: NBC's Curry to Ahmadinejad: 'Why Do You Work So Hard?'

8. PRESS RELEASE: Blacks file Class Action Racial Discrimination Suit Against Obama & Democrats
9. Ten years after 9/11, we should consider mandating some form of national service.

10. 9/11 Ten Years Later: The Fruits of the Philosophy of Self-Abnegation

Distrusting the Common Man

Herbert London

Beware those who claim to be "experts," who are eager to regulate human behavior and who believe that American patriotism should be subordinated to transnational loyalty.

Here's The Speech the President Coulda and Shoulda Given

Frank Hill

While the economy heads towards a possible double dip recession, Frank Hill offers his version of what the president should have said about the nation's finances.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

Serena Williams' U.S. Open 9/11 Tirade was Shameful

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

In the high pressure world of professional sport, angry outbursts are all too common. But should these lapses of self-control be excused?

Rick Perry vs. The Media on Capital Punishment

Cliff Kincaid

The liberal media have seized on Texas Governor Rick Perry's record on capital punishment to attack him but in doing so they face a backlash from a pro-execution public.

Show Me the Homeland Security Money

James Carafano, PhD

On Sept. 11, 2001, America had no strategy for homeland security. The Bush White House issued the first homeland security strategy in July 2002.

Interview: Chet Nagle, Author of "The Woolsorters' Plague"

Ruth King

Chet Nagle, a former pilot, CIA officer and Pentagon researcher, is also an accomplished writer. Here, he discusses the themes behind his latest, and acclaimed, thriller.

A Decade On, Family Security Matters Remembers 9/11

Family Security Matters' Contributors

A hyperlinked guide to all of our contributors' articles commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

Report Card on the 9/11 Commission's Recommendations

Peter Gadiel, Patrick Dunleavy

Family Security Matters and 9/11 Families for a Secure America check key recommendations from the 9/11 Commission to see if they have been implemented. The news is not good.

stronger in Egypt.


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