Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Canadians: islam & West "irreconcilable"


I REFUSE to embrace a culture/religion that,,

Stones People to Death *you sick fracks*
Cuts of hands and feet for petty crime *you sick fracks*
Honour murders their own children *you sick fracks*
Marries off little girls to DIRTY OLD MEN *you sick FRACKS*
Supports the disgusting harems of POLYGAMY *you sick fracks*
Cuts off little girls genitals to destroy their sexuality *you SICK SICK FRACKS*
Thinks their IMAGINARY FRIEND IN THE SKY controls the universe *you sick FRACKS*
Murders countless people in homicide/suicide bombings to get their 72 virgins in their heaven *you sick FRACKS*
Makes countless animals suffer horrible deaths with their HALAL slaughter *you sick FRACKS*

Yeah *I AM CANADIAN* and Islam has NO place in my advanced, civilized FREE society!!!!!

A majority of Canadians believes conflict between Western nations and the Muslim world is "irreconcilable," according to a new national survey that revealed a strong strain of pessimism in the country leading up to Sunday's 10th anniversary commemorations of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S.

The survey of 1,500 Canadians, conducted over three days last week for the Montreal-based Association for Canadian Studies, showed 56 per cent of respondents see Western and Muslim societies locked in an unending ideological struggle, while about 33 per cent — just one-third of the population — held out hope that the conflict will eventually be overcome.

Another 11 per cent of those polled didn't answer the question.

ACS executive director Jack Jedwab said the finding has "serious ramifications" for Canadian policies aimed at bridging divides between cultures, which are based on the premise that citizens believe significant progress in mending such religious and cultural conflicts is achievable.

The dark view expressed in the survey "contradicts a fundamental idea in multicultural democracies like ours, that conflicts between societies can be resolved through dialogue and negotiation," said Jedwab. "This is also a key element in multiculturalism, where Canada is often seen elsewhere in the world as a model in conflict resolution."

He adds: "If a majority of Canadians feel it is irreconcilable, what does this imply for the various projects and programs in place that aim to bridge gaps?"

The online survey, carried out Sept. 6 to 8 by the firm Leger Marketing, is considered accurate to within 2.9 percentage points 19 times out of 20.

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