Friday, September 9, 2011

A Decade Later and We Are Still All Israelis

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

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A Decade Later and We Are Still All Israelis

by Phyllis Chesler
Pajamas Media
September 9, 2011

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I will never forget what happened on 9/11. It is happening still, it has never stopped happening. This war against the West is far from over. The Arab Islamist terrorist attack pierced the historical veil, tearing a hole through all our denials about Jihad. What happened that day would inevitably determine the course of my future work and political priorities.

On September 11, 2001, at about 11 a.m., I walked over to my computer and typed the sentence, "Now we are all Israelis."

Always, it begins with the Jews. Osama Bin Laden called the assault on America 'blessed attacks" against the "infidel…the new Christian-Jewish crusade." He explained that the twin towers had fallen because of American support for Israel.

Both war—and a new kind of anti-Semitism—had been declared.

These are the opening lines of my 2003 book about The New Anti-Semitism, which characterized anti-Zionism as the new anti-Semitism and spelled out the danger of the alliance between western intelligentsia and Islamic Holy Warriors in an era of sophisticated Big Lie propaganda. I viewed this alliance as lethal to America and the West and potentially genocidal to the Jewish state.

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Related Topics: Jihad & Terrorism

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