Friday, November 4, 2011

11-03-11:Do you know the real truth about the AARP? [Plus: Gov. Brewer Slams Media]

"From the repugnant treatment of Paula Jones to a physical assault on Kathleen Willey (followed by thuggish attempts to silence her), to the very likely rape of Juanita Broderick to the exploitation of Monica Lewinsky, Clinton revealed an absolute contempt for women, other than as objects of his own amusement and self-gratification....."

Liberals Suddenly Care About Sexual Harassment...Again

by Christopher Adamo
It is always amazing how shamelessly liberals can ignore the mountains of evidence proving their insincerity while they lecture the nation with almost comical passion.
Do you agree with Mr. Adamo? Click Here to Comment

Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



1. VIDEO: Governor Jan Brewer Slams Media For Using 'Race Card' to 'Shut Down the Debate' on Illegal Immigration
2. VIDEO: How Did Occupy D.C. Activists React to a Table Full of Job Applications?

3. Colorado Voters Reject Tax Increase to Fund Education
4. VIDEO: Stakelbeck on Terror: The Coming Caliphate
5. VIDEO: Libya update and released Muslim terrorists try again to kill Israelis
6. Half Of Young Professionals Value Facebook Access, Smartphone Options Over Salary
7. VIDEO: President to Congress: Pass Transportation Bill
8. The FBI Rounded Up a Network of Russian Spies After the Group Came Close to Placing an Agent Near a Cabinet Official in the Obama Administration
9. U.S. House of Representatives passed a non-binding resolution reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto...See how your rep voted...
10. VIDEO: Notorious Russian Arms Dealer Found Guilty of Trying to Sell Weapons to Terrorists Seeking to Kill Americans

The Closing of the Muslim Mind

Edward Cline

Edward Cline reviews a book that "renders irrelevant any hope or notion that Islam can be ‘tamed' or rendered ‘moderate' or redeemed as a benign faith."

ObamaCare: How Can These Perps Sleep at Night?

John Dendahl

ObamaCare's wheels are already falling off, even before the U.S. Supreme Court begins a review of its constitutionality.

Like physicians serving Medicare patients, many employers have discontinued their employee health insurance plans. Implementation of early provisions of ObamaCare is helping push up costs of those remaining. The Kaiser Family Foundation's 2011 Employer Health Benefits Survey: "After several years of relatively modest premium increases, annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage increased to $15,073 this year, up 9 percent from last year ... ‘especially painful for workers and employers struggling through a weak recovery' [according to Kaiser's CEO Dr. Drew Altman]."

Do you agree with Mr. Dendahl? Comment Here

Occupy AARP!

Frank Hill

The AARP started out as a noble mission: help poor seniors survive end of life circumstances with dignity. But what has the AARP become over the past 30 years of its existence?

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

U.S. Government Agency Accused of Islamophobia

The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report

The Muslim Brotherhood is trying to gain favor with the rebels against Syria's regime, and a Muslim is suing a government intelligence agency for anti-Muslim bias.

Redeeming Hostages - Not at All Cost!

Yoram Ettinger

Maimonides, the great scholar of the Torah, maintained that redeeming hostages is the greatest precept and virtue, but not at all cost; it is not an absolute value.

Three Halloween Costumes I Should Have Considered

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.

While outrageous demands were made by Occupy Wall Street protesters this year, three choices for Halloween costumes seemed appropriate...

Palestinian TV Praises Architect of Mass Murder

Itamar Marcus, Nan Jacques Zilberdik

After Gilad Shalit was exchanged for 1,027 prisoners, official Palestinian Authority TV chose to dedicate a broadcast to one terrorist, Abbas Al-Sayid, who was not included in the deal.

Quote of the Day - November 3, 2011

Advice from "Silent Cal" Coolidge for the current administration?

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