Friday, November 4, 2011

11-04-11:House Votes to Subpoena WH for Solyndra Records [PLUS: What is Bill Gates Urging Obama to do?]

"Offices of French magazine torched after latest edition mocked Prophet [sic] Mohammed."

Islam Bombs French Satirical Magazine to Enforce Sharia

by Diana West

A French satirical magazine which was running a special "sharia" edition with "Mohammed" as its editor has had its offices firebombed. Is this the start of another media jihad?

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1. AMAZING VIDEO: Swiss Member of Parliament Has Had Enough! ... But enough of what? Or enough of whom?
2. VIDEO: ‘Factor' Producer Jesse Watters Finds The $16 Muffin
3. VIDEO: Chuck Woolery Sits Down With Beck and Explains ‘Coming Out' as a Conservative
4. VIDEO: Pelosi: Without Obama's Stimulus, Unemployment Would Now Be 15%

5. VIDEO: Unable to pay bill, U.S. City forced to Turn Off lights. Left in darkness as officials literally ripped out streetlights. Coming to a neighborhood near you?
6. VIDEO: Joy Behar Calls Justice Clarence Thomas 'Demonic'
7. VIDEOS: Is CBS News investigating the financial investments of Nancy Pelosi and Speaker John Boehner?
8. FSM on the Radio - Tonight at 6pm Eastern - After a French satirical magazine is firebombed and jihadists threaten reprisals against France...

9. VIDEO: A German nun details how Muslims abuse, torture and kill Christian girls in Iraq - She makes an amazing effort to help and protect the ruthlessly persecuted Christians in Iraq.
10. VIDEO: Are You Smarter Than a Wall Street Occupier? #OWS Pop Quiz, Part I: How Much Do the Protesters Know About ...What They're Protesting?

Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax

Cliff Kincaid

Despite the world struggling through a recession, Bill Gates wants America and other developed nations to pay an extra tax to subsidize poorer nations.

A 2012 World View: What is the End Game?

Nancy Salvato

Democracy in America can only be fully appreciated when one understands the meaning of the U.S. Constitution.

Global Violence Declines - Except in the Middle East.

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

Violence has been on the increase in one region of the world, the Muslim Middle East. But such violence is not much worse in this region than it has always been.

Israel Prepares for Another Flotilla Confrontation

Jim Kouri, CPP

Last year's flotilla to break the Gaza blockade led to a confrontation where activists were killed, giving Hamas a propaganda coup.

Today's Hot Topics

We choose, you peruse.

FSM on the Radio - Tonight at 6pm Eastern - After a French satirical magazine is firebombed and jihadists threaten reprisals against France...

Tonight, after a French satirical magazine is firebombed and jihadists from Tunisia and Egypt threaten reprisals against France if the publication continues, the subject of cartoons, censorship, blasphemy and Islam will be discussed. After death threats and murders in the name of Islam, are we being bullied into submission? Are we too scared to offend, or are we just scared of being attacked?
Listen in to the show, and call in to join in the discussion. Telephone: (347) 857 - 1380.


Abbas' Representative Praises the Kidnap of Gilad Shalit

Itamar Marcus, Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Mahmoud Abbas is head of the Palestinian Authority. When his representative - a former terrorist - praises the kidnapping and illegal detention of Gilad Shalit, can Abbas be trusted?

George Soros Trader Involved in Bankrupt Firm Tied to Obama

Cliff Kincaid

Soros' sticky fingerprints on another political scandal? Meanwhile, the chairman and CEO of bankrupt company MF Global continues to raise funds....

Quote of the Day - November 4, 2011

FSM: Quote of the Day

Was Islam attacking Western freedom of speech, two centuries ago?

Seeing Real Life Sharia in Action

Calling it something else.

Alyssa A. Lappen

Apostasy - leaving the faith - is punishable by death in Islam, as is blasphemy. But the full horror of these principles when they are put into practice is rarely appreciated in the West.

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