Tuesday, December 13, 2011

UN Climate Extremists’ Policies Could Bankrupt World and Lead to Human Extinction

UN Climate Extremists’ Policies Could Bankrupt World and Lead to Human Extinction


If you think the United Nations has proposed radical policies in the past, wait until you see what’s being proposed at their Climate Summit in Durban. A group of UN extremists have put forth world climate proposals that would ultimately lead to the bankruptcy of western nations and the eventual extinction of mankind.

Most news reports coming out of the Durban Summit are providing information about the four provisions of the Summit that were agreed upon by the attending nations. These provisions are an extension of the Kyoto Protocol which calls for reductions in CO2 emissions along with the capture and storage of carbon credits. But what most news agencies aren’t reporting are the more radical provisions that were proposed at the Summit but were not adopted by the attending countries.

Under the unapproved terms of their new world climate treaty, they want to mandate that all nations respect the rights of Mother Earth by paying their share of a climate debt. This debt would then be used to help fund the UN’s quest to become THE organization behind a one world government.

Among these unapproved provisions of the world climate treaty was a provision that would require western industrialized nations to cut their CO2 emissions in half in just 8 years. That refers to all industry and manufacturing along with the use of all fossil fuels and modern forms of transportation such as cars, trains, ships and airplanes. Such a measure would have a catastrophic impact on the nations involved and ultimately lead to their unavoidable bankruptcy.

Furthermore, they wanted the treaty to call for a 100% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. A 100% reduction means the total elimination of the use of fossil fuels, no industry, no transportation, no anything. The letter of the treaty at this point could be read as to encourage the extinction of humans and most animals from the earth as we all produce CO2 every time we exhale.

They also wanted the treaty to establish a normal level of 210 ppmv of CO2 to be the standard to be maintained. What they fail to realize is that most plant life will begin to die off at such low levels of CO2, which would lead to the extinction of man and animals on planet earth.

Under the unapproved sections of the treaty, national military forces would be replaced by UN environmental forces that would have worldwide jurisdiction. An International Climate Court of Justice would have the power to govern all nations and collect all climate fines and taxes.

The court would require western nations to submit reports every two years as to their progress and maintenance of the dictatorial climate standards.

All of these proposed measures go in line with the plans laid out nearly 50 years ago to use the environment and invented environmental crisis to establish a one-world government. It was then that the issue of global warming surfaced as an environmental crisis that demanded immediate action.

Many of these same extreme provisions were made at the UN Earth Summit meeting in 1992. Then Senator Al Gore served as the official US representative and he signed all of these more radical proposals for the US. Fortunately, enough other nations refused to sign them and they were never ratified.

Lord Christopher Monckton, who served on the Number 10 Policy Unit with then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, has now become an outspoken critic of the supposed global warming crisis. Monckton, who created trouble for the UN climate meetings in Copenhagen in 2009, has also been in Durban for the current meetings. Labeled an extremist by some, here is what he had to say about the Durban Summit:

Read more: UN Climate Extremists' Policies Could Bankrupt World and Lead to Human Extinction | Godfather Politics http://godfatherpolitics.com/2563/un-climate-extremists-policies-could-bankrupt-world-and-lead-to-human-extinction/#ixzz1gS8wfgeb

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