Thursday, August 2, 2012

8-02-12: Obama's Legacy: $25 Trillion in Debt by 2022 (Plus: Greg Gutfeld)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

chick-fil-a-day-FLAG crowd

·  Checking Out Chick-fil-A 'Appreciation Day'

·  ‘This is World War III': Saudi Cleric Says Equality for Women ‘Sends Shivers Down Your Spine'

Stimulus pork

·  U.S. Economy Does NOT Need More Stimulus

·  MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell backs Palestinian Outrage, Gets Schooled by Dan Senor

·  Rep. Gowdy Attacks Liberals' Election Year Hypocrisy over Tax Code Delay

greg gutfeld _FOX the five

·  FOX's Greg Gutfeld: Rahm Emanuel chickens out

·  U.S.-Funded Palestinian Authority Launches Crackdown on People Eating In Public During Ramadan, Christians Not Exempt


·  GSA Feels the Heat ... and Runs

·  Senator Sessions Slams Senator Boxer At Global Warming Hearing


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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Obama Signed Secret Order Permitting CIA to Support Syrian Rebels

President Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, U.S. sources familiar with the matter said.

Bernanke and Draghi Are Dangerous

What is being sacrificed to maintain the euro and the E.U./U.S. banking cartel? Everything of value: liberty, democracy, truth and sovereignty.

Obama's Legacy: $25 Trillion in Debt by 2022

As reported over the weekend, the new Obama budget document lowers growth estimates for the current year to a (still) high 2.6 percent and estimates this years' deficit at $1.2 trillion. That will bring our national debt to $16.2 trillion by the end of the fiscal year.

Teachers' Unions Now Sending Lawyers after Private Schools

The Louisiana Association of Educators is sending demand letters to private schools in the state voucher plan, insisting that those schools pull out of the program. Which state will be next to fight this thuggery?

Romney's Right: Brits & Americans Are Joint Heirs to Anglo-Saxon Liberties

There are three irreducible elements to becoming American. And where do these elements have their roots? In Anglo-Saxon civilization, no matter how "offended" the Obama camp is by this true statement.

Raoul Wallenberg's Legacy for America's Patriots

Today we are beaten down by the growing power of the state. We live in a country moving far left, run by ruling elites. Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Islamism are all the same. That's why it's imperative we study the heroic life and legacy of Raoul Wallenberg.


During the Reagan years, federal income tax rates were cut by two-thirds. And though liberals decried this policy, the unprecedented economic boom that followed generated almost twice the revenues to the federal treasury.

Lawfare Strikes Again in Germany

Of importance to free societies today is restricting discussions of Islam to please Muslims so as to forestall disruptions to public peace - a kind of heckler's veto - even as Christians endure unparalleled abuse.

Syria, Vogue, and the Apologia of Joan Juliet Buck

Vogue fooled by Assad? Hardly. Vogue Fooled by Liberal Ignorance of Real Geopolitics.

Redefining the Current Threat Landscape: DHS's Evolution to Acknowledging Religiously Based Terrorism

Last week the House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing with Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, and Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Matthew G. Olsen. Napolitano covered a wide range of topics during her testimony, from preventing homegrown terrorism to improving global supply-chain security

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