Monday, August 13, 2012

8-13-12: MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell: Paul Ryan “not a pick for women” (Plus:MICHELLE MALKIN)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell: Paul Ryan "not a pick for women"


·  Obama Praises Clinton Aide Huma Abedin during Ramadan Dinner


·  Rep. Issa to file lawsuit against Holder over Fast and Furious docs

·  Report: Iran Closer To Nuclear Capability Than Expected

·  Government spends $2M on one intern? Outrageous examples of taxpayer waste


·  Debbie Wasserman Schultz "doesn't know" party affiliation of Super PAC - that was started by former Obama aide Bill Burton (PAC responsible for Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad)

·  Wolf Blitzer Quotes John Kerry in Plea for U.S. to 'Accelerate' Withdrawal from Afghanistan

·  Gibson Guitars paid $2.4M in legal fees, then cleared by DOJ but had to pay additional $350k settlement

·  U.S. allies and 'rebels' vow to make Syria a sharia state


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

  Welfare's upside-down incentive: You get more when you work less.

Does our $927-billion-per-year welfare state discourage the poor from seeking work? Does it cause them to shun pay hikes? Does it, in short, create dependency?

  Money Down a Rathole: College, Healthcare, Housing

What happens when households dump huge percentages of their stagnant incomes down marginal-return ratholes? They get less wealthy, which is exactly what we're seeing.

  Rep. King Accuses White House of Leaking 'Secret Order' to Aid Syrian Rebels

"The administration's leaks must stop before they further endanger the lives of men and women sent into harm's way on our nation's behalf," stated Rep. King.

  Revisiting the DHS Smear of the Tea Party Movement

The media lowlifes who exploit every tragic shooting to silence their law-abiding, First Amendment-exercising enemies are tearing this country apart.

  For the Marxists Ye Have With You Always

One after another, the Lefties on Twitter lined up to argue that capitalism couldn't survive without poverty, that its essence was the widening of inequality, that it concentrated more and more power in the hands of fewer and fewer plutocrats, that its days were numbered.

  Our Economic Crisis is Also a Crisis in Values

How can we possibly have a functioning economy when politicians can randomly steal from citizens? Is our economic crisis also a crisis in values?

  Brennan: Intel leaks have 'absolutely' damaged U.S. national security

Unauthorized leaks of sensitive information regarding American-led counterterrorism operations have "absolutely" damaged U.S. national security, according to a top administration official.

  Afghan officials met with top-ranking, jailed Taliban leader

Afghan government representatives have met with a top-ranking Taliban member in his prison cell in Pakistan, an official said, suggesting a small step toward reopening stalled peace talks with the insurgent group.

  America 2012: Oh Say Can You Eat

Our national identity has merged with the consumption of junk food and the wholesale gratification of similar addictions that provide little pleasure beyond satiation...

  Can You Guess the October Surprise?

One should never underestimate the audacity of President Obama to do anything to hold onto his presidency.

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