Sunday, August 12, 2012

Liberals Against Orthodox Islam

Liberals Against Orthodox Islam

Link to Citizen Warrior

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 03:52 PM PDT
The counterjihad movement just keeps getting better. Here is a 115-page informative PDF document entitled, "Why All Democrats Need to Start Speaking Out Against Islamic Indoctrination and Supremacist Islam." Here's the table of contents:

1. Manifesto against totalitarianism
2. Islam, orthodox Islam and Islamism
3. Getting a better understanding of Islam
4. Online resources used in this document
5. The incompatibility of Islamic doctrines with fundamental Western values
6. Major concerns related to the indoctrination pandemic
7. The unrestricted export of Islamic doctrine to the free world
8. Why conservative Islam critics need to welcome liberals into the movement
9. Developing strategies to counter Islamic indoctrination and protect human rights

Check it out and share it with your liberal-leaning friends and family: PDF Document.


  1. No comments yet? This is a crucial issue. I stopped calling myself a 'liberal' precisely b/c I thought modern liberalism had become a buttkissing machine for Islam. I'm hoping the reason there are no comments is b/c of some computer problem and not b/c of apathy.

  2. Hiya,,

    I think it's apathy and quite a bit of COWARDICE!!!

    They don't understand this is OUR COLLECTIVE future in the civilized west.
    They think they would never have to live under SAVAGERY.

    Straight up if islam takes over this planet,, the lights will go out forever and our species will devolve into a inbred savage deadly world, just like the sharia hell holes of the medieval east.

    Forget about endangered species,, the mass extinctions this planet will see will be on a scale this world has never experienced.

    Can you imagine a world overrun by these LUNATICS????????

    Our species needs to evolve, we need to become our destiny which is to reach out to the stars.

    A world infected by islam,, we will return to the caves. All we created that is love and light will be destroyed.

  3. Yeah, all the nuclear weapons of the world controlled by people who kill their own kids for 'honor'. Well, on the bright side, humanity under Islam won't last long. VHEM should love these guys.

  4. This has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Islam absolutely sucks dead donkey balls BUT your videos are getting chopped in half b/c they're against the right side of the screen. Thanks for speaking out in defense of sanity and civilization. If Islam takes over, every good thing defended from the left or the right will die off. People need to wake up.

    1. Thanks for the head's up on my vids on the banner on the right. Will jerk around with them and get em to display properly.


