Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10-10-12: Matt Damon’s Anti-American Movie Funded by Enemies of America?

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

obama way up

·  "Intelligence" - What did this president know -- and when did he know it?

·  Obama State Department Holds Conference Call On Benghazi Terror Attack - Why did they Exclude FOX News?

·  MEDIA WATCH: MSNBC Host: Without Affirmative Action in Colleges, the ‘Entire Leadership of America Would Become Entirely White'

·  On eve of House hearings, State Department finally admits: No, there was never any protest outside the Benghazi consulate before the attack

·  Practicing physician gives a Non-partisan, thorough explanation of PPACA (aka Obamacare) and what it means to all Americans.

·  ‘Oh, S**t!': CNBC's Santelli Gets Into Knock-Down, Drag-Out Shouting Match Over Jobs Report

·  Ret. Marine John Bernard on Islam and Counter-insurgency Strategy in Afghanistan

·  Breitbart 'Obama Debate TelePrompter' Video Makes Pat Buchanan Lose It

·  House to hold hearing on US Consulate attack in Libya

·  Grumpy cat becomes Internet sensation

In Case You Missed It

·  The White House Disinformation Campaign on Libya

·  State Department Labeled Libya Attack Coordinated Terrorism Within 24 Hours

·  Catholic Archdiocese ends its support for the Susan G. Komen citing concerns that the Foundation gives money to the NATION'S BIGGEST ABORTION PROVIDER - Planned Parenthood

·  NPR Anchor Compares Use of "Illegal Immigrant" to Nazi Germany

·  Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Dutch TV Oct 8 2012

·  ‘Heaven Is Real': Neurosurgeon Who Once Doubted Out-of-Body Experiences Describes His Own

·  BREAKING: Governor Mitt Romney Delivers Address On Foreign Policy In Virginia

·  MEDIA WATCH - MSNBC: Was Ambassador Stevens Responsible For His Own Death?

·  Libya embassy staff told 'to do with less'

·  Murdered ambassador sent cable warning of threats on day of Benghazi attack

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What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Matt Damon's Anti-American Movie Funded by Enemies of America?

The nations that produce and export much of the world's oil are populated by wealthy princes, emirs, sheikhs, Imams and mullahs who provide financial support for violent jihad.

Taliban savages: If 14-year-old peace activist whom we shot survives, we will shoot her again, for she is "secular-minded lady"

The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which attacked National Award Peace winner Malala Yousafzai on Tuesday have said that they will target her again if she survives because she was a "secular-minded lady".

Senator Demands Government Stop Pressuring People to Enroll in the Food Stamp Program

Nearly 47 million people are currently participating in SNAP, and spending on the program has increased by more than 100 percent in the last four years.

50th Cuban Missile Crisis Anniversary: Two Heroes, Two Deaths, Two Extremes

Kennedy and his staff had wrestled over the best way to defuse the crisis and get the Soviets to remove the offensive missiles from Cuba.

Iran's Secret Nuclear Bomb Plant Revealed

If verified, how will the revelation of the secret Iranian nuclear site change the Western outlook on the timing of Iran's nuclear capability?

Catholic Bishop Warns Islamism Spreading In Tanzania Thanks To Saudi Clerics, Muslims Demanding Sharia Be Enforced For Everyone

Bishop Bernadin Mfumbusa warned that religious freedom and other civil liberties were under threat from intolerant radical Muslim influences sweeping in from countries neighbouring the east African nation.

Omigod! Left Finally Recognizes Hamas as Horrible

It is a signal event when even some from the political left who has long sided with pro-Palestinian assertions wake up and recognizes the horror that is Hamas.

FBI's $50,000 Reward to Capture Fugitive Terror Suspect and Northeastern Graduate Spotlights Boston's Extremist Networks

"According to his indictment, he justified murder of civilians, such as the September 11, 2001 attacks because he believes civilians were not innocent because they paid taxes to support the government and because they were Kufar (non-believers)."

World's Largest Money-Laundering Machine: The Federal Reserve

Muslim Brotherhood Preacher Calls For Egyptian Liberals To Be Put On Trial For Abandoning Islam...

Liberals, modernists and secularists are infidels and must be brought to trial for abandoning Islam, according to an ultra-conservative preacher in the Muslim Brotherhood.


The Islamic Threat Doctrine and 9/11/2012

A dark feeling of betrayal and stunned disbelief washed over me as I read the newspaper headline, "Jordanians press for democratic reforms" in the October 6, 2012 Orlando Sentinel.

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