Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WORLD TRUTH SUMMIT - In the Comfort of Your Home!



Her questions:  Who are the people exploring Islam and daring to speak out? What are their major findings? And what do they find are the most effective strategies against Islamism?

Click here to check out her online teleseminar series and register (no charge):

Personal Journeys Toward Difficult Truths:
Understanding Islam, Understanding the West

Elsa is calling it a truth summit, because among the first truths to be hidden is who we are as people. Instead, we're often called names - paranoid racist Islamophobic bigot. But who are we? She has met caring, intelligent, courageous people - including, interviewed in September,  Bill Warner, Pamela Geller, Raheel Raza, Mark Durie, and Fred Litwin. 

The second 5 interviews begin Oct 15.
 Register now. Let others know.

Monday, Oct 15: Robert Spencer of JihadWatch. I don't think I need to say anything more in the way of introduction. He's most likely the most famous person speaking out against Islamism. 

Tuesday, Oct 16: Valerie Price, an unlikely counter-jihadi - with a long career as an interior decorator - and a breast cancer survivor, who recently became one of the stars of Beauty and the Breast. 

Wednesday, Oct 17: Gavin Boby, a British lawyer who has been instrumental in helping local neighbourhoods resist planning applications for mosques.  So far they've won 14 of the 15 cases. 

Thursday, Oct 18: Aruna Papp, who has been involved, for over 20 years, in helping women escape from honor-based violence - prevalent in many cultures. 

Two people on Friday: Vince Lombardi, instrumental in Elsa's own journey. She began posting pieces on Islam soon after the massive Muslim response to the Danish cartoon. At the time she knew nothing about Islam, except that it claimed to be a religion of peace. What comes next? Listen to the interview.

On Friday there will also be a second surprise guest. Find out who it is on Friday, October 19.


We commend Elsa for her dedication to this cause and the many, many hours she has spent in putting this series together in the hopes of uncovering truths about Islamism.

ACT! FOR CANADA/Quebec Chapter

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