Halal: Secretly Shoving Sharia Islamic Law Down Your Throat

But why make a big deal about how a meat is prepared for market? There are very good reasons to protest this … reasons that matter to our freedoms and values:
– Companies who benefit from the Halal process give Zakat (the third pillar of Islam), of which part goes to Jihad.
– Producers feel that if all meat is Halal, they will not lose any of their market share … totally ignoring the fact that they are submitting to Islam, AND deceiving the majority of their customer base.
– Halal is part of Sharia Law, which is one of the most supremacist, misogynist, anti-Semitic religious bodies of laws in the world today.
And if this isn’t enough … Halal disrespects the ones the Quran calls “People of the Book”: Jews and Christians. According to Jewish Dietary Laws ( Talmud Avodah Zarah 29b) and for Christians ( Acts 15:28-29), consuming foods offered up to idols is forbidden.

The acceptance of the process of Halal slaughter displays contempt for the beliefs of Jews and Christians. Preceding each animal slaughter, the name of Allah is invoked, most often by saying “Bismillah” (“In the name of Allah”) and then three times “Allahu Akbar” (god is great). (This also happens to be what is shrieked every time a Jihadist murders a kafir [unbeliever], but then again they already view us as pigs and dogs, so … mystery solved.)
Devout Christians and Jews do NOT consider the god of Islam to be the same God they worship. NOR do they recognize the self-proclaimed prophet of Islam, Muhammed, to BE a prophet (that’s what caused Muhammed’s sudden turn toward hatred and call for the death of “People of the Book” in the Quran).
The appalling Islamic supremacy endemic to Islam (and therefore, Muslims), rears its ugly head in many ways. But this form of Sharia imposition is egregious. Some stores have labeled their meats “Halal” BUT apparently it “slipped” their minds to notify their customers … until a customer found it on a package. That was Costco/Price Club. Another company that slipped the label on their meats is Shop Rite. And who knows how many more are bowing on Islam’s prayer rug.
Sharia Law requires Halal meat slaughter. According to Islam, the meaning of the Arabic term “Halal” is: “lawful, legal, allowed or permissible under the Shariah (Islamic Law)”. If a company wants to cater to this minority customer, fine …i t’s a free market. BUT, to keep the majority of their customers in the dark and greatly disrespect their deeply held religious beliefs, is repugnant.
So, as you peruse the labels for healthy ingredients on your next shopping trip … look for one more ‘H’ word: Halal. It’s the kind of marinade you won’t want to stomach!
Shalom through strength…
Image: Paul Joseph from Vancouver, BC, Canada; Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

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