Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Islam: The Religion of Discrimination and Sexual Perversion

Islam: The Religion of Discrimination and Sexual Perversion


Prophet Muhammad and his six year-old child bride, Aisha. Source: http://www.hr.nielsen.dk/mohammed/jyllands-posten_cartoons/
Prophet Muhammad and his six year-old child bride, Aisha. Source: http://www.hr.nielsen.dk/mohammed/jyllands-posten_cartoons/

Muslims attempt to claim superiority over non-Muslims in every aspect, even in sexual morality. Whereas many Westerners are generally not too worried about people over the age of consent having sex though their own free-will, they do however have legitimate concerns about how sections of the Muslim community behave.

Muslims tell non-Muslims that ‘Islam is perfect’ and in the instances of when irrefutable evidence is offered, the ‘Islam is perfect, Muslims are not’, excuse is often made. We even see apologists like Iftikhar

Ahmad blaming non-Muslims for Muslims’ sexual depravity. For example:

“Sexual grooming is nothing to do with Masajid, Imams and Muslim schools. Muslim youths involved in sexual grooming (and terrorism) are the product of the western education system which makes a man stupid, selfish and corrupt. They find themselves cut off from their cultural heritage, literature and poetry. They suffer from identity crises and I blame British schooling.”
That’s a bold statement! However Dr. Mark Durie outlines in his ‘Understanding the Ideological Foundation of Sexual Abuse in Islam’ talk at the Australian ‘Q Society’, that there is clear grounding within the Qur’an, other Islamic texts and also with the example of Prophet Muhammad, that demean both non-Muslims and women in general, and this also leads to a culture of sexual deviancy by Muslims.

Islamic View on Infidels and Sex

There are far too many examples of verses from Islamic texts to discuss here, but the Qur’an’s earlier, more peaceful verses that are often used by apologists, are superseded by later chronological verses purporting to be Muhammad’s last commands from his death bed. These verses concern fighting disbelievers and using any means available to make Islam victorious.
Here are just a few examples.
Muslims are also told that Prophet Muhammad was the perfect example of humanity and are instructed to emulate him, for example Qur’an 33:21: “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.” Or Qur’an 68:4: “And indeed, you are of a great moral character.”
Besides robbing caravans in the Arabian Peninsula and being a brutal warlord who ordered many people to be killed, Muhammad’s marriages and sex life leave much to be desired. For example:
There are deep and concerning roots of paedophilia within Islam as described in this article from ‘Islam Watch’ here.

Muhammad is hardly a great role model, is he? Amongst many things, the Qur’an permits the keeping of sex slaves (and slavery in general); Muhammad approved of his fighters raping captive women (or suggested they masturbate if they could not control their urges); the Qur’an justifies wife-beating; makes it virtually impossible for a woman to prove rape; allows polygamy, giving men the right to have up to four wives; makes it easy for men to divorce their wives; and calls for the stoning of adulterers and killing of homosexuals – which exists in some Islamic countries to this day.
However the Qur’an is believed by Muslims to be the unalterable word of Allah, so this gives way to an Islamic culture that believes non-Muslims are of an inferior status. Shia Islam even states non-Muslims are ‘Najis’ and due to their ‘impurity’, puts infidels in the same bracket as blood, excrement, pigs, urine and semen. Shia Islam allows prostitution via temporary marriages known as ‘Nikah mut’ah’. (The night before suicide missions Muslim terrorists are often known to drink alcohol and frequent prostitutes.)

Dhimmitude, Discrimination and Rape

Christians and Jews in lands conquered by Muslims through jihad are known as ‘dhimmis’. Islamic apologists will call ‘dhimmitude’ as being ‘protected’ by Muslims, but in reality it is a degrading and humiliating status that enforces the ‘People of the Book’ to pay the ‘jizyah tax’, have less rights and acknowledge that Islam is ‘superior’.

One of the last chronological verses, Qur’an 9:29, commands an open-ended fight for Muslims against disbelievers. Quite a poor outlook on infidels and females in general, because women are seen as being worth less than men, and are ‘deficient in intelligence’ compared to men.

It is hardly surprising then that in modern Britain women are unsafe getting in taxis with Muslim drivers (note: it is illegal to ask for a non-Muslim taxi driver), and the nation is currently going through an epidemic of Muslim gangs of men that rape predominantly underage, vulnerable non-Muslim girls.

There are literally dozens of these grooming gangs, and there are estimated to be thousands of victims. One particularly disturbing aspect was that authorities were aware of some of these gangs operating for years but were afraid of being accused of ‘racism’. So rather than arresting the perpetrators, the authorities were more ‘comfortable’ to let vulnerable girls get raped instead. Due to political correctness the authorities often dare not mention that virtually all of the attackers are Muslim and that Islam could be a factor, so the media labels them as ‘Asian’ gangs instead, much to the disgust of other Asians like Sikhs or Hindus, who are not in sex grooming gangs.

Only around 500 mosques in the UK read out a prepared sermon opposing Muslims raping children, so the vast majority of 1500 plus mosques did not see this as an issue. Several mosques in Oxford did not even see that there was a connection with Islam at all!
Kissing in the mouth between Shia men including boys are allowed in Shiism. Source: http://devilsdeceptionofshiism.wordpress.com/tag/homosexual-fatwa-by-shiite-scholar-ayatush-shaytaan-rohani-kissing-in-the-mouth-between-shia-men-including-boys-are-allowed-in-shiism/
Kissing on the mouth between Shia men including boys is allowed in Shiism. Source: http://devilsdeceptionofshiism.wordpress.com/tag/homosexual-fatwa-by-shiite-scholar-ayatush-shaytaan-rohani-kissing-in-the-mouth-between-shia-men-including-boys-are-allowed-in-shiism/

In Oslo, Norwegian Police revealed (in addition to generally losing control of the capital) in a 12-month period all rapes were committed by men of a ‘non-western background’, more or less a euphemism for ‘Muslim’, whereas the victims are all ethnic Norwegian women. One victim said the Pakistani rapist told her that he had, “The right to do what he wanted to a woman because that is how it is in his religion.”

Sweden used to be one of the safest countries in the world for women, but statistically a Swedish woman now stands a 25% chance of being raped in her lifetime following a huge influx of Muslims. (Only South Africa has a worst rape ratio than Sweden.) This is where political correctness has led us!

That is when Muslims are a minority but in Muslim countries, women from minority groups have a torrid time whether it is Hindus in Pakistan, or Coptic Christians in Egypt where they can be kidnapped, raped and forced to convert to Islam.

The hypocrisy of it all is how this rape and sexual perversion permeates the male Muslim culture, yet if an Islamic woman so much as looks at another man, she stands the risk of being murdered in an honour killing!

Shari’a Law Trumps Man-Made Democracy

Many Muslims in the West will ignore secular man-made laws and favour Shari’a law, based on the teachings of the Qur’an instead. In conservative Saudi Arabia where Shari’a is practiced, this ‘pure Islam’ grants women very few rights, especially regarding rape, as is described here. (Pakistani clerics declared in September that DNA cannot be used as ‘primary evidence’ in rape cases.)
It is this poisonous Islamic atmosphere that enables Muslim Clerics to make statements like these: “women’s cleavage causes earthquakes“; “women are ‘uncovered meat’ attracting sexual predators“; or “working women should be molested.”
Artist impression of 72 virgins in 'Paradise'. Source: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/uploads/9/9b/72-houris.jpg
Artist impression of 72 virgins in ‘Paradise’. Source: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/uploads/9/9b/72-houris.jpg

Despite all the claims of superior sexual morality, it is interesting to note that even with all the sexual oppression in Islamic countries, Muslim countries dominate searches for ‘sex’ on the Internet. Most worrying though is that Muslim countries are vastly overrepresented in bestiality-related searches. That is not too surprising though as bestiality is permitted in Islam as this Hadith narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas illustrates: “There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.” Abu Dawud 38:4450

Muhammad painted a vision of the hereafter of unrelenting sex in order to persuade his fighters to die for him. In paradise they would have an ‘eternal erection’ and would have continuous sex with 72 black-eyed virgins (but no Black or Asian virgins). One Saudi ‘scholar’ recently upped the ante to 19,000 virgins each! (There is an interpretation that boys are also available for sexual gratification.)

Women are forced to cover themselves because Muslim men cannot control their sexual urges; then in ‘paradise’ women sit and watch their husbands and other male relatives partake in orgies for eternity! Is that better than the hellfire? The only break to this never-ending ‘gangbang’ is the optional amusement of watching Allah pouring boiling oily water over the heads of the unbelievers, but surely too much of a good thing, can be a bad thing too? …Eventually?

In addition to the supremacist violence, Islam is definitely ‘The Religion of Discrimination and Sexual Perversion’ … and this has nothing to do with the Western education system!

By: Paul Wilkinson
Related reading:
Why Muslims Rape

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