Monday, November 24, 2014

Here’s the Bombshell Video on Islam the Media Does NOT Want You to See

Here’s the Bombshell Video on Islam the Media Does NOT Want You to See

Sunday, November 23rd, 2014

This bombshell video about Islam may be the one video to watch if you haven’t seen one all year.
Not only does it point out the unbelievable current state of media bias, it’s also a fantastic reminder of how Islam is nowhere near the “religion of peace.”

 For years, conservatives have argued that the bulk of the mainstream media is nothing more than a mouthpiece for leftism – and it looks like they were exactly right.

Every day more examples of massive media cover-ups are brought to light by whistleblowers – typically good people who left a network because they couldn’t take another second of the lies and distortions.

Most of the the “lamestream” media have acted as Obama lap-dogs for the last six years.
It’s hard not to admit that overall, they’ve nearly mastered the art of converting more citizens in to blind sheep. (H/T WesternJournalism)

As the video points out, during the most recent radical Islamic attack on Americans and Jews, the media reported that it was a “terrorist” attack – not a “Muslim terrorist” attack. Additionally, some made the massacre look like it had been carried out at a mosque.

These convenient omissions may seem small on the surface, but in fact, they’re huge and can redirect the entire narrative of a story, while protecting the bad guys by not drawing attention to them.

Another great example is the man who was recently fired from an Oklahoma meat-packing plant who later went back to the plant and beheaded a former colleague.

The leftstream media did not make mention that the man was a dyed-in-the-wool, card-carrying Muslim.

People who suspected that he was had to turn to what is now referred to as the “new” media, where citizens can often find the real truth behind a spun event or story.

The “old” media is presently in shambles. They’re losing viewership because their lies and deceiving ways are becoming clear to average citizens who have the ability to think for themselves.

Their constant attacks on Christians and Jews and constant protection of radical Islam and Muslims is driving a wedge between the American people.

Share this amazing video on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that lamestream media puppets are purposely trying to destroy America and incite violence.

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