Free Speech Dies In Sep, US Conditioned To Accept Censorship As UN Takes Over

The trend is deliberate and unmistakable. A global stifling that ends with the elimination of free speech is underway. Their intent is to control our communication with one another, to remove our ability to object to their tyranny and to prevent us from being able to rally to oppose their authoritarian dictates.
To use one of the forbidden words, it’s undeniably a worldwide “conspiracy” among those who have hijacked the individual nations on behalf of the globalist oligarchs. They are represented in Europe by the EU and in the US by the Democrats and treasonous Republicans, in service to their masters, most notably the evil one himself, George Soros.
The hate speech label is being applied here to patriots and Constitution-loving Americans. The selective censoring and attacking of the speech of the majority white population as being unacceptable to some “great unknown approval body” is anti-American. There is no mechanism in our Constitution for the critiquing of speech or its regulation.
They attempt to assign the Marxist justification of the “collective good” as an excuse to the herd and then send out their operatives in the guise of injured, thin-skinned victims of hurtful racism to advance their assault on our liberty. The only reason we’re hearing about white privilege is because it advances the stealth agenda of “black victimization,” which has nothing to do with black victims. It advances the goals of what are marketed as minority rights groups but are merely cover for the contaminated, poison messaging of the central controlling fascist-Marxist oligarchs.
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