The internationalist happy-clappy establishment was all over the Olympic games as one might expect, and as one might expect, happy-clappy was abruptly interrupted, as are all attempts at global harmony, by an aggressive and intolerant religion that will only become happy-clappy when everyone adheres to its rule. The appeasement of Islam was made a priority in Rio because only to appease this bully, thereby minimising its negative contribution, can we keep The Big Lie alive. It is therefore inevitable that the Islamisation of the Olympic Games takes place, just like it does everywhere else.
How do you recognise Islamisation? Two things are essential – primitive fear of a woman’s body, as well as hate and contempt for all things Jewish. The Islamisation of the Olympics of course heavily features both. The icing on the Islamising cake is not simply the acceptance of appalling behaviour, but its celebration. We must celebrate because only by celebrating can we avoid all the problems that come with disapproval. We don’t want to spend the Olympics arguing about religious sensitivity, so it’s easier to just let Islam do its thing – more peaceful even.
The Washington Post reported mid-Olympics on the “shocking” hostility towards Israeli athletes by Muslims at the Games. On this occasion, the left-wing was unable to blame open Jew-hatred on the ‘far-Right’, and so Muslim anti-Semitism was exposed.
The most controversial incident involved a bus occupied by Lebanese athletes, but intended also for Israelis. The head of the Lebanese delegation, already on the bus, physically prevented Israelis from boarding. An Israeli athlete described it on his Facebook page: “The bus driver opened the door, but this time the head of the Lebanese delegation blocked the aisle and entrance. The organizers wanted to avoid an international and physical incident and sent us away to a different bus.” That’s right, in order to prevent Muslim anti-Semitism becoming an international incident, Muslim anti-Semitism was accommodated, and the Jews were sent away on a special bus just for them. The head of the Lebanese delegation received a “reprimand” for his efforts. That’ll show ‘im.
Then we have the Saudi athlete (who shouldn’t even have been there because her country should be barred from all international events on account of being the world’s leading medieval savage), who forfeited a judo match against an Israeli, claiming to have injured herself. There was no such claim from Ala Ghasoun though, a Syrian (remember, Syrians should all be welcomed West with open arms) who refused to fight an Israeli in the qualifiers because doing so “would mean that I, as an athlete, and Syria, as a state, recognize the state of Israel.”
Now the misogyny – Islamisation can’t take place without it. While the treatment of Israeli athletes by Muslim anti-Semites was appeased, the inclusion in the Games of primitive Islamic notions about women was overtly celebrated.
Nothing is rejoiced more by the human rights brigade, or what now passes for feminism, than the covering up of women’s bodies. The concealing of temptresses is the new feminism. Needless to say, the Olympics embraced this new feminism with full gusto, because if it didn’t, there’d be trouble.
Egyptian athlete Doaa Elghobashy for example competed in beach volleyball while covered from head to toe in Islamic coverings. “I have worn the hijab for 10 years,” said Elghobashy “it doesn’t keep me away from the things I love to do, and beach volleyball is one of them”. One suspects it would keep her away from fewer things if she didn’t wear it, but that doesn’t appear to be an option. Instead, we must celebrate just how many wonderful things an Egyptian woman can do while she declares other women “immodest”. Keep in mind that 99% of Egyptians suffer sexual harassment in their lives, whether covered or not. None of this is relevant though, because Islam is involved. All those years of work to stop sex assaults being blamed on “immodesty” go straight out the window - because Islam says so and we must all go along with it or there might be trouble.
There was further celebration in track and field when Afghan and Saudi women ran in hijabs. ‘History is made’ declared some, as if accommodating crazed misogyny and bringing it right in to the mainstream is a form of progress. It is the opposite, but we can’t say so because Islam is involved and there might be trouble.
One of the most disturbing realities of life is that bullying works. Our elite continues to pretend that we are all coming together in a global utopia, but Islamic bullying just keeps ruining the party. Islam demands special treatment and supremacy, and gets it. Internationalism can only cope with Islamic brutality if it pretends such a thing does not exist. Acceptance of violent theocracy, we are told, is tolerance, inclusion, respect. At the UN, vicious theocracies like Saudi Arabia, which ought to be shunned by all decent people, are not only allowed to continue their barbarism, but this barbarism is actively disguised by allowing such countries to sit on boards advocating rights they don’t believe in or practice. This occurs while resolution after resolution is passed condemning the tiny democracy of Israel.
That is how internationalism works, the biggest bully at the table must be appeased or the whole thing comes crashing down. They appease at the UN, in the EU, in countries all over the world, and of course at the Olympic Games. The obvious Islamisation of our world, in order to pacify its nastiest bully, is continuing unabated.
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