Saturday, May 2, 2009

April 30 - May 2, 2009 War on Women News

Islamic Supremacist War on Women:

(Pakistan) "Brother kills girl for honour"
-- "Saira Bano, 19, was shot dead by her brother in Mehmoodabad police limits."
-- "A teenage girl was killed by her brother, as she eloped with a non-Muslim man"
-- Teenage girl shot dead over matrimonial dispute - shot dead by her brother

(Pakistan) Female Pakistani Singer Killed In Peshawar -- Ayman Udas

(Pakistan) Sindh: "In all, 53 honour killings were reported in which 51 women
and 13 men were killed, while 20 women were raped/gang-raped in 19 cases"

Afghan women protest over Taleban-style laws despite attacks

Afghan women campaigners risk death to show world their plight

Afghan clerics plan protests over changes to marital rape law
-- "Supporters of the Afghan law which critics claim legalises marital rape and
restricts the rights of women say they will oppose amending the legislation significantly."

Afghani kills daughter, boyfriend
-- "The motive for the murders was likely to protect family 'honour'. Similar killings are
common in rural Afghanistan but rarely reported",23739,25412567-5012761,00.html

(Saudi Arabia) Fifty-year-old Saudi divorces child bride
-- "A 50-year-old Saudi man has agreed to divorce his nine-year-old bride, after the marriage drew international criticism."
-- AP: 8-year-old Saudi girl divorces 50-year-old husband

Woman's Inhumanity to Woman, Jihad-Style - by Phyllis Chesler

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