Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center

Jury Problems Surface During Florida Terror Trial

Posted: 02 May 2009 02:13 AM PDT

A few hours after an ill juror was replaced, a note signed by the jury

foreman in the “Liberty City Six” case said a female juror “refuses to

engage in discussions based on the evidence or the law” and that this

could be “unfair to the defendants,” according to U.S. District Judge Joan

Lenard. The note said the juror was disruptive and had made comments

offensive to others.

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1,000 Pounds High-grade Nitrate Fertilizer Stolen - Alabama

Posted: 02 May 2009 01:23 AM PDT

Burglars targeted a Tuscumbia business early Thursday morning.
What’s most alarming is what the thieves took from business. The stolen

property is potential dangerous material.

Approximately 1,000 pounds of high-grade nitrate fertilizer was
taken from Greens Keepers on Gann Boulevard in Tuscumbia. The company

handles fertilization and weed control for residential and commercial lawns.

The owner, John Wagner, says he’s been in business for twelve years and

nothing like this has ever happened.

"It’s very unusual,” says Wagner. “It was a very big shock to walk in at

7:00 a.m. and see all this gone.”

Sometime early Thursday morning, burglars broke in the business. First,

they tried to bust through this glass window in the front of the building.

When that didn’t work, police say the crooks pried open the side door.

“It appears that 25 to 30 bags of high-grade nitrate fertilizer was taken off

the premises,” explains Wagner.

The thieves stacked the bags of fertilizer onto one of the company trucks,

attached a trailer to the back, and loaded a lawn mower on it. The crooks

also rummaged through the office - grabbing two computers, an iPod, and

a cordless phone.

The stolen property is valued at several thousand dollars. For Wagner,

that’s not the most unsettling part.

"The cost of the fertilizer is not the issue, it’s the quantity and the

potential for bad guys,” explains Wagner. ”

Wagner worries that having the large amount of fertilizer in the wrong

hands could lead to something very dangerous.

"It could potentially be made into a bomb,” says Wagner.

Tuscumbia police say as the burglars were driving off, the trailer, lawn

mower, and some fertilizer fell off somewhere on King Street. Shortly

after that, investigators say the burglars abandoned the truck on Sterling


The truck and trailer were returned to Greens Keepers. Police are still on

the hunt for the fertilizer and the people responsible for taking it.

Right now, the Tuscumbia Police Department does not have any
suspects and is asking for the public’s help to develop some leads. If you

have any information about the crime or know where the fertilizer may

be, call the Shoals Area CrimeStoppers at (256) 386 - 8685


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Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source

for homeland security news and information.

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Deputies OK After Cyanide Scare In Ponte Vedra, Florida

Posted: 02 May 2009 01:14 AM PDT

Two St. Johns County deputies and a woman have been released
from a hospital after what authorities are calling a scare with cyanide.

Sergeant Chuck Mulligan says deputies confronted a group in a
parking lot in Ponte Vedra on Thursday night. One of the men said

he had an open container with cyanide and was planning to use it.

Mulligan says the area was decontaminated and the container was
secured by another deputy wearing protective gear. He says preliminary

results indicate the substance was the chemical sodium cyanide.

The man remains in the hospital for further observation.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source

for homeland security news and information.

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Glossy Internet Magazine Targets Americans for Jihad Training

Posted: 02 May 2009 12:47 AM PDT

It’s been likened to Al Qaeda’s “Vanity Fair,” a new English-language

Internet magazine called “Jihad Recollections” that focuses on the

terrorist group, its founder, Usama Bin Laden, and how to
commit jihad. It also predicts the demise of the United States.

“This is designed for Americans,” says noted terrorism expert Steven

Emerson, founder of the Investigative Project on Terrorism in

Washington, D.C., and author of the book “American Jihad:
The Terrorists Living Among Us.”

“It’s not for Brits, not for Germans, not for jihadists in the Middle East.

It’s designed for Americans and it’s designed to get them to convert to

Islam or to carry out jihad acts of terror,” he said.

“What started off as some angry kids in their basement has transformed

over the past several years into a robust Al Qaeda propaganda outlet

right here in our backyard,” says Jarret Brachman, an Al Qaeda

specialist and author of the new book, “Global Jihadism.”

Brachman says “it raises the bar for pro-Al Qaeda propaganda in
English. Its presentation is flashier than any English language Al Qaeda

propaganda that we’ve seen to date.” He also says “the publication

shows how deeply embedded in the global Al Qaeda movement

its editors are.”

It is not clear what connection, if any, the magazine has to Al Qaeda

or its followers. It is published by the “Al Fursan Media Foundation,”

but FOX News could not find such an organization or a
way to contact them for comment.


Fox could contact Rusty at Jawa for more detailed info on

the Al Fursan Media Foundation.

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Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source

for homeland security news and information.

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Al-Qaeda Used Hotmail and Simple Codes to Plan Terror Attacks

Posted: 02 May 2009 12:28 AM PDT

In the days following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, alleged al-Qaida

operations mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed intended to use his
free Hotmail account to direct a U.S.-based operative to carry out an
attack, according to a guilty plea agreement filed by Al Saleh Kahlah
al-Marri in federal court.

The document shows how al-Qaida, at least in 2001, embraced
prosaic technologies like pre-paid calling cards, public phones, computer
search engines and simplistic codes to communicate, plan and carry out its

Al-Marri also surfed the Internet to research cyanide gas,
using software to cover his tracks, according to the document filed
Thursday in federal court in Peoria, Ill. He marked the locations of dams,
waterways and tunnels in the United States in an almanac. The government
claims this reflects intelligence that al-Qaida was planning to use
cyanide gas to attack those sites.

As a result of his guilty plea, al-Marri could be sentenced up
to a maximum 15-year term in federal prison.

In a stipulation of facts filed as part of the plea agreement,
al-Marri admitted that he trained in al-Qaida camps and stayed in
terrorist safe houses in Pakistan between 1998 and 2001. There, he learned
how to handle weapons and how to communicate by phone and e-mail using a

After arriving in the U.S. on Sept. 10, 2001 — a day before
al-Qaida’s long-plotted terror strikes in New York and Washington —
Al-Marri stored phone numbers of al-Qaida associates in a personal
electronic device.

He used a “10-code” to protect the numbers — subtracting the
actual digits in the phone numbers from 10 to arrive at a coded number,
according to a person close to the investigation.

In a 10-code, eight becomes a two, for example. Other al-Qaida
members used the same code, according to the plea agreement.

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This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert. National Terror Alert is America's trusted source for
homeland security news and information.

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Mexico Drug Smugglers Relocate to Town in New Mexico

Posted: 02 May 2009 12:15 AM PDT

The dusty little border town of Columbus, New Mexico, with almost

no visible means of support, has been seeing something of a boom in

the past year: Brand-new sport utility vehicles with flashy wheel rims

are parked just off the bleak main drag. Homes are selling quickly,

sometimes for cash.

The source of this sudden wealth? An influx of Mexican drug smugglers,

investigators say.

The smugglers are fleeing the Mexican army’s occupation of the
town of Palomas, on the other side of the U.S.-Mexico border fence, and

settling in Columbus, where there has been a law enforcement vacuum.

The four-man police force in Columbus has turned over seven times in

three years because of scandal or apathy.

“We know the names of the people,” said Luna County Sheriff Raymond

Cobos, who is based in Deming, 35 miles away. “I know that if I were a

person involved in criminal activity, whether it’s drug-related, human

smuggling related, I certainly would welcome the absence of police.”

So far, Columbus has been spared any violence, even though the
sheriff’s investigators estimate 10 percent of the population of 2,000

may be involved in illegal activity.

“I would say greater,” said resident Robert Odom. “If a person
wanted to,
they could make a good living in Columbus — not legally,

but they can make a lot of money if they are willing to risk going to jail.”

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Homegrown Terrorists in the U.S. and U.K.

Posted: 02 May 2009 12:08 AM PDT

An Empirical Examination of the Radicalization Process

The Center for Terrorism Research has released its newest study,

Homegrown Terrorists in the U.S. and U.K.: An Empirical Study of

the Radicalization Process, by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Laura

Grossman. The study is a product of over a year and half of
research into the phenomenon of homegrown terrorists–

who have chosen to take up arms against the society in which

they were born or raised.

Homegrown Terrorists in the U.S. and U.K. examines six different

steps are particularly significant as homegrown terrorists radicalize:

the adoption of a legalistic interpretation of Islam, coming to trust

only a select and ideologically rigid group of religious authorities,

viewing the West and Islam as irreconcilably opposed, manifesting

a low tolerance for perceived religious deviance, attempting to impose

religious beliefs on others, and the expression of radical political views.

These steps have recurred frequently among homegrown terrorists,

and they help to provide insight into these individuals’ state of mind

as they hurtle toward the embrace of violence again innocents.

To download a pdf version of the study, please click link.


This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National
Terror Alert.
National Terror Alert is America's trusted source

for homeland security news and information.

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