Monday, May 11, 2009

from NY to Israel Sultan Reveals The Stories Behind the News

Obama Outsources the Holocaust

Posted: 10 May 2009 07:14 PM PDT

Obama's planned photo op stop at the site of the Buchenwald Concentration
Camp is all the more repulsive when you consider that his administration has
become the primary enabler of those who would like to repeat the final solution.

From the Holocaust denying and Holocaust planning Ahmadinejad, to
Venezuela's dictator Chavez, whose anti-semitic rants have contributed to
attacks against Jews, to Hamas, whose covenant demands uncompromisingly
the destruction of Israel-- Obama has made it his mission to try and befriend
dictators and regimes who think that Buchenwald did not go far enough.

The Holocaust happened because of a two way relationship between those
regimes which perpetrated it, and those which turned a blind eye to what
was going on. Now Obama is repeating the same process, and while he is not
building the concentration camps, he is actively enabling those
who are. And the practical distinction becomes lost amid the moral

By making clear that not only will the US do nothing to stop Iran's nuclear
program, but that his administration will obstruct Israel from stopping
the nuclear program, Obama is giving Iran the all clear for a nuclear program
whose end result is to be a nuclear weapon meant for Israel. And in
doing so he is outsourcing a second Holocaust to the Muslim regimes who
wish to carry it out.

Had Obama chosen some sort of even-handed non-interventionism, opting
out of the conflict entirely, he would have stayed true to his rhetoric. Instead
his administration has chosen to lay the blame for everything wrong in the
Muslim world at Israel's doorstep, and demand that Israel rectify it by
destroying itself through territorial concessions to terrorists, lest Obama
"allow" Iran to do the job more directly.

It's a cynical gambit that is exact opposite of even handedness. Like Clinton
and Condi, Obama has once again turned the "Special Relationship" between
America and Israel... into a gun pointed at Israel's head.

This time the message is that Israel must allow itself to be destroyed so that
Obama can cut a deal with Iran to "stabilize" Afghanistan and Iraq before a
quick withdrawal. The message is that Israel must allow itself to be destroyed
so that the Muslim world, which views the non-Muslim world the way a
starving bum views a chicken sandwich, will come to like America. The
message is that if Israel does not comply, Obama will not protect it from
Iran... something he has made it obvious he has no intention of doing anyway.

While Obama conducts his never-ending world tour, deluding himself that he's a
world leader instead of a world class pawn of every totalitarian regime he meets,
all the camera flashes from the photo ops are meant to blind everyone to what is
really going on. As with Obama's treatment of the UK's Prime Minister Brown
and the Danish Prime Minister, pressing NATO to make way for Turkey at the
expense of Western Europe-- it is all too clear that what he meant by
"Strong Diplomacy" was appeasing America's enemies and abusing America's

The foulest crimes are done behind the facade of saintliness. Under the guise
of human rights entire countries have been destroyed and mass murderers
have been given power. Cemeteries are sown with the dead produced by
"progressive" policies and politics.

The lovers of peace, the bleeding hearts and the human rights activists did
their part in the 30's to ensure that Hitler would be able to carry out the
Holocaust by denouncing any effort to stop him as "warmongering". Like
the modern day anti-war activists who could not see past the legacy of the
Vietnam War, they could not see past the legacy of WWI, to be able to
actually make a moral choice. Obama's administration is now chock full of
the same sort of progressives who view American military power as the
problem, and American allies such as Israel, as the problem by extension.
Once again the soldiers are the villains and the murderous fanatical thugs
are the victims. "Poor Germany", the anti-war activists sighed in the 30's.
"Poor Iran. Poor Gaza. Poor Cuba", their spiritual descendants sigh today.
If only all these poor oppressed dictatorships would be left alone by the
warmongering democracies, there would be a new era of peace on

And so the same cycle repeats itself. It took the destruction of Czechoslovakia
and Poland for the West to wake up and fight back. Yugoslavia was the new
Czechoslovakia, and it is a toss up whether Israel will be the new Poland or
not. With Obama, America has its own Chamberlain, had Chamberlain been
a closet Nazi sympathizer. Lindbergh might be more on the nose. The black
umbrellas are once again unfurled and Obama flashes a V promising us that
all the nuclear weapons will soon be abolished and the world will learn to
sing together with him.

If history repeats itself again, then Obama will be able to kill millions of Jews
without firing a single shot or making a single hateful statement. He will simply
keep the boot on Israel while extending a hand to those who would destroy it.
The Holocaust will have been successfully outsourced, the lead buried and
the dead countless. We have seen the Reactionary Holocaust. Now we may live
to see the Progressive Holocaust. Or we may not.

We have as our example of course the Progressive Holocaust that did not come
to be. Stalin's Holocaust, that began with the Doctor's Plot and was to end with
government encouraged Antisemitic riots culminating in the Jews being removed
for their own "protection". A third were to die in the riots. A third in transport.
And a third in the bitter cold of the far northern gulags.

One interesting feature of the planned Progressive Holocaust was that it was a
group of prominent Jewish Communists who were prompted to officially sign a
letter asking for the deportation. And at the end of it all, Stalin was to come
forward, along with a handful of those same loyal Jews who had been kept alive.
Stalin was to denounce the whole thing as a conspiracy that he had been
unaware of. This gruesome charade of plausible deniable would allow Stalin
to still seem civilized to the rest of the world.

After repeating Hitler's worst atrocity, Stalin wanted to appear innocent of it
all. "Who did it? Not me.

I had no idea. None at all." That cynical charade is echoed by Barack Hussein
Obama visiting Buchenwald while enabling those who want to make the Holocaust happen all over again.

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