Monday, May 11, 2009

FSM Security Update: 5-11-09 *Why Americans Need to See Video of the Unforgettable*

May 11th
Obama, ‘lawless' president? Thomas Sowell: ‘Dying constitution.' Don Feder's ‘Memo to Janet Napolitano.' BHO administration: "I'm gonna keep an eye on you!" ‘Empathetic' justices threaten our freedoms. Judicial experience s.personal "feelings?"


Exclusive: The Escher President-Series 2:100 Days

Bill Siegel

Just as the works of the artist M.C. Escher present two stories simultaneously, so does the man called Barack Obama - and the saga continues.

Why Americans Need to See Video of the Unforgettable

The Editors

If not for the most craven political reasons, Americans would not be subjected to the danger of releasing Gitmo detainees into the United States. Do we need reminding of just how dangerous that act would be?

I Know Torture When I See It

Gregory D. Lee

Is secretly flying Air Force One only 1,000 feet over Ground Zero, prompting thousands of terrified office workers there and in New Jersey to flee for their lives from skyscrapers, torture?

Israel in the Crosshairs

Alan Caruba

Israel's future may disappear in a nuclear cloud. There has been one Holocaust in modern history. Will we see another?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Dick Cheney on Gitmo Terrorists Coming to USA
Video: ‘Dangerous': Missouri Senator Blasts Obama's Plan to Close Guantanamo Prison
Video: Not funny: Obama laughs at Sykes "joke" about wanting Limbaugh dead
Video: Gen. David Petraeus on 'FNS'
Freedom Is Not a Pendulum
Why cap and trade carbon taxes will savage living standards
Is this the 'American arrogance' that Obama has been talking about?
Video: Cheney on Powell "I didn't know that Colin Powell was still a Republican!"
Video: Newt Gingrich Slams Pelosi, Powell & Dem's McCarthyist Attacks on the Bush Administration
Critics Say Obama's Torture Ban Undermines Vow to Protect America

Exclusive: The Emerging Republican Majority - 40 Years Later

William R. Hawkins

As the GOP flounders trying to reinvent itself, its members might do well to look back at the period when the Grand Old Party truly lived up to its name.

Book Review: ‘The Confrontation: Winning the War Against Jihad' by Walid Phares

David G. Major

How it is possible that eight years into the conflict with Islamic Jihad that basic questions are still haunting the national debate?

The Continuing War on Police

Cliff Kincaid

Why are people like convicted lawyer Lynne Stewart and disgraced radical academic Ward Churchill coming out in support of accused cop-killers?

Attorney Jailed In Attempt to Disqualify L.A. Judge for Taking Bribes

Leslie Dutton

If a prominent L.A. attorney can be sentenced to "coercive confinement" for alleging judicial corruption - corruption made moot by Gov. Schwarzenegger - what are the implications for America's families?

Will Obama's Nominee to the Supreme Court Help Destroy the U.S. Constitution?

John Armor

If the Constitution is destroyed as a limitation on the federal government, the essence of the United States will be gone. In reality the U.S. will be a tin pot dictatorship with a meaningless constitution.

Exclusive: Sen. ‘Benedict Arlen' Jumps Ship

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

Many in the know believed that someone got to Arlen. The question that faced Washingtonians was this: what was he promised? Here are some possible answers.

Why Did the FBI Cut Off Relations with CAIR?

Steve Emerson

It seems the FBI's cards are on the table, and unless CAIR takes major steps to show good faith, the FBI would have a difficult time justifying any reversal in policy...

Honor Flight to take 91 WWII vets to memorial

Garry Mitchell, Navy Times

Some 20,000 veterans in the U.S. over the past five years have taken the flights sponsored by a Springfield, Ohio group. This week 91 more WWII vets will make this honorary trip.

Today's Hot Topics: 5-11

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Al Qaeda Strengthening in Troubled Pakistan

•2. Petraeus: Al Qaeda No Longer Operating in Afghanistan

•3. Pontiff calls for regional peace, vows to fight anti-Semitism

•4. Obama's Plan to Destroy Israel

•5. Intelligence Report: Pelosi Briefed on Use of Interrogation Tactics in Sept. '02

•6. Top Pelosi Aide Learned Of Waterboarding in 2003

•7. Gitmo Quagmire By Oliver North

•8. Don't Blame Israel - Why The Obama Administration Has The Iran Problem Backwards

•9. Cheney: Obama endangers the nation

•10. For Somali Pirates, Worst Enemy May Be on Shore

•11. Al Qaeda's Global Base Is Pakistan, Says Petraeus

•12. Pakistan Says 700 Taliban Dead in Swat

•13. Interrogations saved 'hundreds of thousands' of lives

•14. Cuba Doesn't Belong in a Democratic Club

•15. Iraq Violence Up As Target Date Nears for Troop Pullout From Cities

•16. Enhanced Lying

•17. Playing Make-Believe On Nukes

•18. What Congress Knew - Congress got 40 briefings from the CIA on interrogations.

•19. Attorney General Eric Holder has a problem: federal immigration law.

•20. Will Obama Apologize? The new president's national-security flips.

•21. Is the GOP Lost? by Jed Babbin

•22. Muslim Brotherhood: Obama's Egypt Trip 'Useless'

•23. Why Does Hollywood Love Fidel Castro?

•24. 'Netanyahu-Obama meeting crucial to ME'

•25. Foreign 'Torture' Probe's Threat To Us

Caption Contest May 7-12

Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to by noon on Tuesday.

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