Friday, November 27, 2009

From FSM = the WEASEL Meet Scott Fenstermaker, Al Qaeda Defense Attorney

This disgusts me to no end,, this FRACKING MORON, cannot even say the 9/11 victims were murdered.



Video: O’Reilly interviews 9/11 defense lawyer
Meet Scott Fenstermaker, Al Qaeda Defense Attorney

Scott Fenstermaker is an attorney who has performed various legal services for one of the five 9/11 conspirators who will be put on trial in New York, as well as other al Qaeda terrorists. Fenstermaker says he is concerned with protecting the "rule of law" and defending the constitutional protections of his clients. That is how many of Fenstermaker's fellow al Qaeda defense attorneys, at the ACLU and elsewhere, describe themselves as well--as heroes fighting an unjust American government on behalf of some noble cause.

Fenstermaker has also said that the way the 9/11 terrorists were treated is not consistent with America's values. If Fenstermaker and his cohorts were merely making a principled stand against the manner in which the 9/11 terrorists were interrogated (enhanced interrogation techniques, etc.) that would be one thing. Many would disagree with their stance, but at least it would be a principled one.....


I agree ERIC HOLDER is CLUELESS, a DHIMMI for the islamists/

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