Sunday, January 3, 2010

This is Not Our Father's War: Terrorism 2009-2010

The Phyllis Chesler Organization

This is Not Our Father's War: Terrorism 2009-2010

by Phyllis Chesler

Pajamas Media

January 3, 2010

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Another hard and weary year has ended. Americans have lost their jobs and their money, some have lost their homes and their minds, but few have lost their most cherished illusions, and things seem to be getting worse.

Globally, Islamist terrorists, both foreign and home-grown, continue to attack civilians wherever we live, in the West as well as in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Islamist tyrants continue to devour their own children in Teheran. Al-Qaeda is now also based in Yemen. The symbols of liberty and free speech remain under police protection. Kurt Westergaard (the 2005 Danish cartoonist) and his five-year-old granddaughter, were nearly murdered at home by a Somali Islamist who shouted "Revenge" and "Blood." An American airliner was nearly blown up over Detroit on Christmas Day by a son of Allah out of Nigeria and Yemen — whom, three days after the event, the American president finally described as an "isolated" and "alleged" "extremist."

And the world still hates the Jews.

Read the complete original version of this item...

Related Topics: Jihad and Terrorism

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